Kapitel Eins

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A/n: i'm going to write this book like this:
Whenever Y/n, German Empire or third reich 'sleep' they dream of the past.
And Y/n is some sort of Zombie, because she's dead.
Edith: I have a question. Should Y/n become the chancellor because the people voted for her or because there was a Revolution because the Politician are dumb as hell and the people of Germany couldn't handle it.
Please comment which one is the best.

No one's pov:
Deep in the heart of some German forest laid a young women. She was sickly pale.
Her clothes looked like she was Underground and was rotting. Her hair was a total mess of knots and dirt. Sudenly she jolted up and catcher her breath. For any human being  it looked like she did not breath in a while.
She tried to stand up But could not do it. After a few tries she did it.
'Where in gods name am i?! Wait.... I'm dead i should not be here! Dieser scheiß ©@®♥︎&Δ✦! Oh no! That bastard killed me in front of third...' Y/n who was suddenly panicked started to walk trough the forest.
After Y/n was walking a while now. She found an old abandoned village. Almost all of the Houses we're burned to the ground.
She walked cautiously into the village, hoping no one would see her. Her eyes moved to an old House which looked like it had been left in a hurry.
As she was trying to open the door she noticed it was so old, that with one kick it would break down. So she did exactly that.

Which wasn't the best idea, because even though the door was easy to kick down, her legs had something to say about it.
Because now her foot hurt. But the door was Open so who cares.

Y/n's pov:                             
'Finally that dumb door is open. This House is abandoned, atleast i hope it is...' I was walking around the House to look for any clothes and maybe some sewing stuff. After all i have a fucking hole in my throat. Not the best looking thing to have.
As i was looking trough more random stuff, i found some old Newspapers. What i read shocked me.

'The German Empire lost the great War!'

'The Weimarer Republik is founded'

    'Adolf Hitler the new Chancellor/Dictator.'

'What... So he is also dead?' I could feel tears running down my cheeks.
'I can't find anything about Third's death. So eather this Village was abonden before his death or he's still alive. The last one would be nice. (what i mean by that is because then Y/n would atleast have someone  of her Family left. She is no Nazi)' 
I placed the Newspapers there where i found them and looked more around the house. There where a lot of cobwebs. It is a beautiful House. A lot of things are looking more modern but times changes. I found a locked room which had a sign on the door. The sign read 'Behandlungsraum'. I took one of the remaining bobby pins out of my hair and began to pick the lock. And finally it was open. The room had a lot of medical things in it.

I searched trough every drawer and finally i found the stuff to sew a wound close. I took a needle with no wierd spots and looked in a mirror. Then i began to sew my the hole in my throat close. And let me tell you it hurts. 'Finally i'm done. It looks good. I probaly still need to cover it up.'
After this was done i looked in every room to atleast find some clothes that i could wear. And there was it. The bedroom of some couple. I opened the closet to find almost no clothes. "Are you kidding me?! I guess i take the orange one." It wasn't all that bad. It was a skirt and some type of jacket. Luckily they left an white blouse.   I quickly put everything on. Then i notized that i probaly need new shoes. Because let's face it. The shoes i'm wearing right now are very old.
I found some shoes along with a bag and some gloves.

I found some shoes along with a bag and some gloves

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I looked around a little more but found nothing interesting

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I looked around a little more but found nothing interesting.
I walked to the front door as i heard a voice.
"Was somone of you in the abonden Village?  Why do i ask? Because the door of one of the Houses is open. It's the doctor house. You know which one i mean. And even the treatment room is open." I was hiding behind a wall and waited till he stopped to... talk to him self? As i was gripping the purse i felt something wierd shaped. I opened the purse to see a little gun. It was not loaded but there where some bullets in the purse. I tried my best to load the gun and as i was done he stopped talking. And his steps came closer just as he was about to move around the corner i took the gun, took aim at him and shot. "I hope he's dead...Yep he's indeed very dead." I was thinking on how to get rid of the body when suddenly my stomach was making noises.
'Oh hell no! I'm mit going to eat him. But i'm hungry.... That doesn't mean i should eat him.'
I looked down at him and took anything that would be important. I found some sort of wallet which had wierd Money in it. Some Keyes and a wierd rectangle shaped Box.
I then put anything in my purse. Slowley the noises in my stomache grew louder. But i refuse to eat him.

No one's pov:
In the end Y/n did indeed ate him. But he didn't taste good. What a waste of space.
She quickly got rid of the remaining body.
Now that Y/n was out of that Village she walked around till she found a City. The City was big. As she was Walking around the City she saw a lot of wierd things. The poeple who where walking in the City where giving Y/n wierd stares. Y/n felt wierd. Was it the way she dressed? Do people realise who she is?
'Oh No! What if they can see my scar. People would wonder what happened.' Y/n thought panicked. She was so panicked that she didn't look where she was walking. And so Y/n bumped into somone.

She almost fell but the person cought her. She looked him in the Face and was shocked.
'Weimarer Republik? But he's dead....?!'

I hope you like this chapter. It is not the best one but it is something.

 It is not the best one but it is something

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