Kapitel Sieben

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No one's pov:
It has been a week now, Germany had the meeting with Italy and Japan. Both of them where happy to have an military alliance with Germany. Y/n was also in the meeting to make a protocol.

All the Equipment that could be repaired was repaired and they already made new ones. A lot of young men and older men where told to come to different barracks. They are Training to be soldiers. Also the ones who where alredy soldiers get more and better Training now.

The Bundeswehr got stronger, but the other countrys noticed this and so America called for a meeting.

And that's where we are right now. Germany was there with Y/n and the European Union and America. And now other countrys are coming.
The door opened and a noise that Sounded like a cup broke.

In the door was France and the Uk. They where staring at Y/n and looked like they saw a ghost.
"H-how....?" Mumbled the Uk. France was staring at Y/n as if he was afraid that Y/n had come back to take revenge on him. "Is everything okay? You both look like you saw a ghost." Y/n asked with a fake concerned voice.

"Who is she?" Asked Canada that just entered the Room.
"My name is Y/n Köhler, i work for Germany as his assistant. It's a pleasure meeting you all." Y/n indotruced herself. Canada nodded and walked to his seat. "I don't get it. Why are we even here? Germany should get a punishment and we can all leave." Poland said while he rolled his eyes. "And why is this Poland? Could it be.... That you feel threatend?" Y/n asked Poland as she stared at him. "Why would you say this?" Poland asked Y/n with an uneasy smile.   

"Well we all know you want money from Germany and i know that you can get agressive. But when Germany has a good army you can't attack without the risk of being easily defeated." Y/n said and stand up. "But ofcourse we also feel threatend, since the Bundeswehr is still not as strong as in our glory time." Y/n continued. 

"So you want to say that Germany felt threatend, and that this is all for self defense?" The UK asked, still feeling a little bit uneasy about Y/n's existence. "Of course it's only for self defense. What else do you think i would do this?" This time Germany answered. "But i hope you know that i find it rude that you didn't even ask for our opinion." The Usa told Germany. The Countrys could all see that this annoyed Germany. "And why would i do this? I have zero reasons to tell you anything!" Came from Germany in a rather angry voice. The Usa was a suprised.

"Well, i don't want that History repeats itself. I just want to keep your neighbors save." The American said.

"I've had enough! All i ever hear from you is 'Oh Germany you can't do this' or 'What are you, a Nazi?'. But you know what?! I will expend my Bundeswehr as much as i want. And you Poland! Go ask someone else to give you my money, because i will not give you any money!" And with that Germany left the Room. Before Y/n left the room the American called out. "We also would like to talk with you." 

"Can you wait for me Sir? They want to talk to me." Germany nodded and left. "What do you want fom me? And keep it short." Y/n said and waited. "How are you alive! you died almost 120 years ago!" France shouted. And Y/n gave him an confused look. "I think you have the wrong person. As you see i'm still alive. Please don't go around and scream nonsense like this. people might think your crazy. You don't want this or do you?" Y/n said and France looked emberassed.

"Have you told Germany to do this? I know He would not do this." The EU asked. And now Y/n looked offended. She looks at him with a shocked face, which of course was fake. "Why would you think something like that? Are you perhaps scared that Germany will be strong again? Are you afraid he triesto takes over the world again?" Y/n asked with an offended voice. "O-of course not." The EU said. "Good because i need to go." And with that she left the Room. 

"I'm glad you talked back to America. I think he needed that." Y/n said to Germany as they where walking towards their Plane. "You'r right. He always thinks that he has to know everything about everyone. But i will no longer accept how he talks to and about me." Germany said, and they finally arrived at the plane.

But the other countrys where still in the Meeting Room, and they where still talking about if Germany should get an Punishment or not. "How about we stop talk about Geermanys punishment and talk about how she is still alive?" France asked nervous, he is afraid that she will kill him as revenge. "It can't be her! She got killed and you know it!" A sad and angry UK shouted at France. 

France of course knew that she was killed, i mean he killed her. But he told his people that she died because of an deadly illness, and he can not let this information out into the public. America sighed. "But what if she is the real Y/n? Then we can't let her contiune this. She obviously did something to Germany." America said. Suddenly Russia spoke, he was quiet till now. 

"Or he had finally enough of you. I can understand him. You grew even more annoying over the years." America looked at him annoyed. "Why are you even here? We don't want you here." Russia just rolled his eyes. "I'm here because you invited random countrys. And i was interested if Germany would take you'r bullshit or if he would say something. And obviously he didn't take your bullshit." He answered to a now angry America. "If you'r so good friends with him then why don't you make a pact like your father did with the Nazi?! I hope he betrays you!" America yelled at him.

"That sounds good! Finally you had a good idea. Maybe i will actually make a pact with him." Russia said with a smile and left the room. "Can't you be quiet for once America?! What if they actully make a pact?! And what if Germanys army gets to an even higher level than Third Reichs Army?! We all are doomed!" An now Angry European Union screamed at the American. And now France is even more nervous then before.


I hope you liked this Chapter. Also any relationship Germany and Russia have is not political, excpet if he makes an pact with Germany.

Have this pocture of me. This picture is not the newest, it's from last year. It was made in October.

 It was made in October

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