Kapitel Zwölf

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I will not use the real politicians of Germany. Because i want to stay as neutral as i can. So i will call all of them only 'a politician'.


Germany and Y/n were now sitting in the meeting with the other politicians. And Germany already wanted to be deaf. The politicians were trying to come up with good reasons as to why they had sent the money and why Germany should forgive them.

Germany's right eyebrow began to twitch and Y/n knew that he was going to explode soon. And she was right, Germany stood up and slammed his hands on the table in front of him. "All of you are fired!!" The politicians looked at Germany with their eyes as wide as plates.

"You can't do that! The peop-" One politician said but Germany interrupted him. "I am speaking for my Nation and my people! You can't even follow simple Orders! You're all useless!" Germany yelled once again. One of the politicians scoffed. "And who will be the Chancellor?! You can't just fire the one thing that holds this stupid Country!" The politician quickly noticed what he said and looked away.

"Miss Y/n will be the new Chancellor." Germany said and Y/n looked at him shocked. "I/She will?" Y/n and Berlin asked at the same time both shocked for different reason. Y/n was shocked at how easy it was for her to become Chancellor and Berlin was shocked because he never imagined Germany to make such a decision so quickly.

Germany closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes. I Trust her completly. You may not understand this but i think she would make a great Chancellor." Berlin nodded and smiled. And with that the Meeting was over and all the ex-politicans packed their things and left.

"How do i tell the other countrys that you are the new Chancellor now? No! Forget the Countrys! How do i tell the people?!" Germany started to panic now. He didn't think this to end. It was showing that he was scared. "Calm down Sir. You have nothing to be afraid of. As the country you can do whatever you want. And please America also does what he wants." Y/n reasured Germany that everything was alright. Germany tried to calm his breathing and nodded.

"Germany if you want i can Plan a press conference, where you can tell the World what happened." Berlin suggested and Germany nodded with a smile.

Time skip:

It was now shortly before the conference and Germany was calm and collected. Y/n felt a little bit nervous, she didn't know why but something deep inside of her, made her nervous. Both of them entered the room and sat down on their chairs.

Germany took a deep breath and started to speak. "I am glad that all of you are here. I have something to announce... My Politicians are no longer in their Job." The people looked at him with wide eyes, some of them even looked offended. A hand rose. Germany nodded at the hand and a older woman started to speak. "Does this also means that Thomas Meyer(fake name) is no longer our Chancellor and if yes... who is his replacement? Because i don't think that you will wait for a Election through the people." Germany nodded and sighed.

"That is correct. Miss Y/n will be our new Chancellor. I fully Trust her and i know she will do a great Job." Germany answered the question and Y/n looked through the croud of reporters. She could see some of the people of the Organisation and nodded shortly. They also nodded and continued to write things down.

After a few hours of talking the conference was over and Germany left with Y/n. "And now we have the meeting with the EU... because he needs to know everything i do!" Germany was annoyed at his 'Son'.

They entered a room and there he was, the EU and the USA. "Why is he here?! I thought i made it clear that this meeting was between you, Miss Y/n and me." Germany's eyes were filled with Anger as he looked at the American. "Germany... you know that we need to observe every politicial choice you make." America told Germany with an annoyed tone, the EU nodded. "The only thing i wanted to tell you is that Miss Y/n is now my Chancellor and you can't do anything about it." America started to Choke and caugh as Germany said that. Even the EU eyes widened. "Are you sure about this Germany...? She might not be who you think she is." He asked the German, he only rolled his eyes at that. America, who stopped caughing, to Y/n's annoyance, tried to catch his breath again. "God you are all so annoying! I am not a child! I know how to do shit! And i Trust her!" Germany yelled at his 'son'. "I only want the best for you Father!" Europe yelled and germanys eyes widen. "Oh am i now good enough to be your father again? Don't ever call me that again. We will leave now." And with that Y/n and Germany left the room. "I will visit my family i hope the rest of your day is better then the start." And with that Germany left and waved her.

Y/n made her way to the next bus stop as she bumped into a man around his thirtys. His skye blue eyes widen as he saw her. The man quickly catched her and Y/n recognized him. "I'm glad to see you again darling." The man said. The wind flowed through his blond shoulder long hair and he gave her a smile. Y/n eyes soften even more.

"My love... i'm also glad we could see eachother so soon again." Y/n said and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. Said Man started to blush and looked at his wife with a loving look on his face. "How about we go to a Café and have a date?" The German Empire asked and all Y/n could do was nod as she took his hand and lead him towards a cute little Café.


I hope you liked this chapter. And i wanted to ask something, i have an idea to write a Crossover with this story and Genshin impact. Where Y/n would be dilucs cousin. Would you guys read that or not?

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