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Eva goes from dad's straight to the club for work. I would suggest a career change for her because not being at the club has made me feel free, but recently I think she enjoys working there. For me, it was always just using my body to get what I wanted, but now Eva has been doing more than just dancing at the club. She is a mentor for the newcomers and veteran dancers, as well as helping Quincy figure out business matters for the club now and again. I will be happy for her if it makes her happy to be there.

Lizzie and I go home and get ready for bed early since we're both pregnant and running on lowered energy. I'm not quite prepared to give up her company, so I go into her room and see her lying in bed on her phone. She tells whoever she's talking to that she'll call them later and hangs up.

"Hey, sister," I say standing at the door. "I'm sorry. Did I interrupt you?"

"No, what's up?"

"Would you mind if I stayed for a while?"

"Not at all," she says, lifting her blanket to invite me in.

I smile back at her and get under the covers with her. We turn on our sides to face each other.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you when you were right," I say quietly "You were right about me in self-destruct mode, and I'm glad you pushed me to see daddy."

"You don't have to apologize to me, We're sisters, and I will always look out for you. Daddy missed you too. Every time I visited, he would expect you to be there with me, and when you didn't come, he would ask me to tell you how much he missed you."

"I missed him so much I just thought he would never forgive me for what I did."

"According to him, you had nothing to be forgiven. Now, what are you going to do about the other daddy in your life? Your baby daddy."

"I don't know," I roll my eyes. "I know I have to apologize, but he's not my father, so he's not obligated to forgive me."

"Well, you know Marely runs a nonprofit organization for abused and neglected youth called S.A.F.E. Her and a group of her rich friends have hosted a charity fair every Christmas for the past four years. This year is their 5th anniversary."

"You met Daniel's parents?" I frown.

"I haven't met them in person. They adopted Victor when he was 13."

"That explains why he and Daniel are so close." It makes sense now.

"Anyway," she sighs. "what matters is that everyone will be at this fair, including Daniel. That means you have to be there as well. Whatever you decide to do, make it big, and he will have no choice but to take you back."

"Yea," I bite my lip and look at her, "Got any ideas?"

"I don't know, girl, you're the one who pissed him off." she scoffs with a smile. "Maybe you should corner him in one of those porta-potties at the fair and give him the best blowjob of his life."

"Lizzie!" I gasp in shock.

"No, for real, like, just relax your throat and take it so deeply that his toes curl. He'll forget all about whatever happened. He'll forget his name. He'll be like, 'what the fuck did she even do?'!"

"I can't with you!" I laugh and shove her playfully. "You're worse than Eva."

We both laugh, then settle down into a comfortable silence. She yawns, then reaches over and hugs me with one arm.

"I love you, sister, good night."

"Good night. I love you too."

She turns her back to me and gets comfortable on her pillow to go to sleep. I lay my head down and smile at the back of her head. An apology blowjob isn't the worst idea in the world.

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