Chapter 18

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He's going to call. I know he is. As soon as Daniel left for work this morning, I was out of bed and on my way with my mother to his parent's home. Since Daniel hasn't been able to stay home with me the way he planned, he makes me promise not to leave the house while he's gone. But the moment he's out the door, so am I. I think I do it because he sounds so cute when he's trying not to be nervous but failing miserably. We both know his "emergency only" checks on my location have a list as long as my arm with things that count as an emergency.

Not only that but I couldn't plan his birthday party from bed. Marely and I have big plans for his big day.

So, the question is not if he will call but when.

"Did Daniel give that to you?"

I glance at my mother beside me, then return to toying with the charms on my bracelet. My smile is automatic when I think of the meaning behind each charm. My God, do I love Daniel Rivera.

"Yes," I answer softly. "We just started seeing each other and were on vacation in the Bahamas. He's been giving charms ever since."

Mom smiles at me, "It's beautiful. I am so happy you have met him, and he treats you well."

"Yea, and speaking of treating people well, um, mom... I just... I wanted to apologize for what I said the day at the hospital. You were telling me to be cautious about Ava, and I shouldn't have snapped at you. I'm sorry."

"I waited fifteen years to see you and your sister again. I know it wasn't easy to grow up without me, and when I was released, I had no delusions about having the perfect relationship with either of you."

She grabs my hand in both of hers and brings it to her lips to place a soft kiss on my knuckles. "With or without me, all I ever wanted was for you to be safe and happy. I am just happy you still want me to be a part of your life."

And there I go crying again. I say being pregnant has made me the most emotional I've ever been. I can't wait to get this kid out of me.

"Of course, I want you in my life," I sniffle. "At first, I was mad because I thought you had forgotten about us, but when the juvie counselor wasn't grabbing at me, he suggested that there wasn't a day that you didn't think about us."

A smile tugs at the corner of her lips, "The sick bastard was right... and when Daniel showed up to tell me he had arranged my release, I realized he was a God send to us both."

I nod my head in silent agreement. Daniel has saved my life in more ways than one. It's because of him that I know God exists. Who else could have given me such an amazing mate?

The driver comes to a stop in front of the hospital, ending our moment. I wipe my face once again and then unclasp my bracelet handing it to my mother. She places it safely in her purse before giving me a kiss goodbye on the cheek. After the hospital doors close behind her, the driver pulls away again.

I gave my mother my bracelet to take to the hospital so if Daniel happens to check on me, he'll think I am with her. And it has been working. So far, he doesn't suspect a thing. I need Daniel to be completely surprised with his surprise birthday party. The only way to ensure that he is if he believes I am at the hospital with my mother. In reality, I am on my way to meet Marely at the jeweler's to see the final product of his gift.

I finally decided on a watch with a personal inscription because I couldn't come up with anything else. Daniel and I are still trying to figure each other out, but I know he likes watches because he wears a different one every day. What makes this watch better than all rest is that it will read the words I cannot bring myself to say.

The driver stops at the curb of the J for Jewelry store and comes around to help me out. After I am safely inside the shop, he excuses himself because he is supposed to go back to the hospital and wait for my mother. I gave him a kiss on the cheek once before as a thank you for keeping my secret, and his face turned as red as the dress I am wearing today.

Marely stands in an immaculate lavender pantsuit with her bag on her arm as she talks with the personal jeweler, Alan, we have been working with. Alan is headed behind the employee-only doors just when I reach the bar. I call for Marely's attention while keeping a small space between us. I always try not to stand too close to her in public just in case she doesn't want to be seen with me at her side. Despite my distance, she pulls me into a hug before offering me a folder in her hands. Inside there are photos of the cake for Daniel's party.

"The baker said the cake will be finished by the morning. Just in time for the party," Marely comments. "He gave us these photos as a glance of the finished product, so we shall soon see if he is as good as he boasts."

All I am able to muster is a small smile for her as the familiar tightening across the bottom of my stomach begins. Dr. Mann says to take deep breaths and rub my stomach in small circles. It only works half the time because these contractions are no joke.

"What's wrong, Gwendolyn? Is the baby okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, breathless and placing the folder on the glass case so I can lean on it.

Another worker in the shop appears with a stool, and I lower myself onto it slowly. When the contraction has passed, my eyes open to find Marely and Daisy staring with wide wary eyes. I give them a weak smile and try to ease their anxiety.

"Really, I'm fine. I have been contracting more frequently. Dr. Mann says I am progressively dilating and days away from delivery. I asked him how I could force myself to deliver on Daniel's birthday."

Marely gives a reluctant laugh. "That would be an amazing gift, but unfortunately, we just have to let nature takes its course."

"Daisy's texts and phone calls have also become more frequent to tell me how she can't wait to be a tia. Says she's going to buy so many hair bows."

Marely smiles and reaches to place her hand gently on my belly. "I am excited as well. Have you come to an agreement on any names?"

"Not really. Daniel has a few he likes, and I am not sure of any, but there's one I was thinking of," I shrug and pause open-mouthed.

I have been playing around with a name, but I am not sure how to go about mentioning it to Daniel. I think his mother is a perfect test run.

"I don't know how to bring it up to Daniel, but I was thinking we could name her Elianna."

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