Chapter 29

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I hold tight to his hand as he leads me away from the party. Around the corner, I take slow steps because we must climb a small flight of stairs. I would not have worn six-inch heels if I had known we'd be doing this. We continue up and out of the building onto the roof. By the time we reach the landing at the top, my breathing has accelerated, and my heart is pounding. I love Daniel's surprises, but this one feels different and requires more energy.

Standing at the banister, I can see all the lights of the buildings surrounding me and in the distance of downtown Houston. The evening has darkened, and the skylight glints off all the building windows. There is a rare cool breeze to top it all off. Today has been amazing, and it has turned into a beautiful night.

Daniel wraps his arm around me, and I lay my head on his chest.

"It's beautiful up here," I mumble, and he grunts softly.

"Do you want to know why this place was chosen for this party?"

I look up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Now, I do. I just assumed this was a nice space."

"I bought this building," he says simply. "The space is nice, and it is the perfect place for you to start your own photography studio."

"Um, what? Are you serious right now?"

A photography studio? I told him that being a photographer was a silly childhood fantasy that never amounted to anything. I have tried my hardest to accept that. I'm not sure if this is a joke, but I don't find it funny.

"When we talked about your love for the camera before, you said it was a part of your past. But I saw differently. Your eyes had a sparkle in them. A certain shine I have only seen most recently when you look at our daughters. It is true love."

"Daniel, I... It's just hard for me because I don't want to love it. It was an unrealistic dream that took my mother away from me. It hurt my entire family, and I swore I would never even think about it again."

"You did not hurt your family."

"Yes, I did!" my voice raises and waivers. "If it weren't for me, she would have been there to protect us. I hurt my sister and my father. I deserve every bad thing that's ever happened to me."

"You did not hurt your family," his tone has hardened. "It was simply a bunch of heartless people using their free will to hurt others. You were a child who did not deserve any of the horrible acts committed against you or your family."

Daniel cradles my face in his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. Of all the evil people I have encountered in my life, I feel blessed to have found one of the good ones. He makes me feel safe and loved. How did I get so lucky?

"Daniel, this is a great gift, but I know next to nothing about the specifics of photography. I didn't even finish high school."

"Well, now is the perfect time to finish what you started then, no? It will be here, waiting for you, whenever you are ready. However, I would like something in return before it is officially yours."

Without hesitation, I reply, "I'll give whatever you want."

"Good," he reaches into his pocket to pull out a tiny box and place it in my palm. "Open it."

Oh, God. Is this what I think it is?

My fingers have suddenly become wet and shaky. They slowly reveal the diamond ring inside the box— a three-ring stack with a pear-shaped diamond at the center and two smaller diamonds on either side. The two lower bands are golden and contain more diamonds, while the one above the pear acts as a roped crown. It's the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life.

As Daniel slowly kneels in front of me, I realize this is precisely what I think it is.

"What I want is your hand in mine forever. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you," he grabs my free hand and gives it a soft kiss. "Gwendolyn Bailey, will you marry me?"

The world has stopped. I can no longer hear the wind blowing or the sound of cars passing on the streets below. I may have to start on blood pressure medicine if I wish to continue in this relationship. Daniel is full of surprises and keeps me on edge. I don't know if my heart can take it.

I was supposed to say yes, but my insecurity blurts out, "Are you sure you want me?"

"I'm pretty sure," Daniel laughs.

"You were sure with Alyssa."

"So you're saying I should change my mind and rethink this whole thing?"

"No!" I pout while he laughs at me. "I just want you to want me forever."

"I do. I never officially asked for Alyssa's hand; things happened on a whim. I am asking you this now because I have thought this through. I know that I love you." His playful smile returns. "And your time to answer is running out because my knees are not as young as they once were."

My smile matches his because he's in his very early thirties, not even thirty-five years old. Automatically, my head begins to bob up and down.

"Yes, Daniel. I love you. Of course, I want to be your wife."

He takes the box from me and removes the ring. It glides onto my finger in slow motion and sets in perfect place. It's like a puzzle piece that was made to be there. The ring looks better on my finger than it does in its box.

Daniel stands and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and meet him halfway in a kiss. It is a kiss that lights up and warms my entire body. The fever of it almost burns, and I love it. His kisses are different now that we are engaged to be married. Now I have to get him home to see if his kiss is the only thing that feels different. Thank God I recently received clearance from my OB-GYN.

I pull away with a smack, and my breathing a little heavier.

"Let's go back downstairs. I want to show everyone this ring and then get you home for a proper thank you."

"Sounds good to me."

The heels are not what threatens to make me fall while walking back down the stairs. It is how I cannot stop staring at the new engagement ring given to me by my fiancé, Daniel Rivera.

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