Chapter 10

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I wake up before Daniel does and stare at his resting face. Last night in bed together was not just sex; he made love to me. It was slow, gentle, and passionate. Then he held on tight to me as we fell asleep. Lovemaking has not happened very often between us. I don't know what brought it on, but he seemed sad. The thought of it being Lily honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I really hope Daniel was not thinking of his deceased high school girlfriend while having sex with me.

That's just wrong.

I could ask him about it when he wakes up... if there is a fitting moment to ask such a thing.

I can't lie down anymore because I have to go to the bathroom. After cleaning myself up, I pull my pajamas back on, grab my phone, and head to the room's kitchenette to make myself a cup of tea from Halona's premade mix she had given me for this trip. Then I sit on the balcony and stare out at the skyline. I never looked at the clock, but the sun was barely up, so it must still be a bit early. My bug would not allow me to get a comfortable sleep last night anyway. I love being pregnant, but I cannot wait until my body is mine again. I get to eat whatever I want and use the bathroom less frequently.

I pull out my phone, deciding to call and check on my father. He doesn't answer the phone, so I assume he is still sleeping. It is still pretty early, so I will call him later. I can still call the hospital to check on my sister. After hearing things are still the same with Lizzie, I set my phone beside me and stared out at the clouds while sipping my tea. I should call Victor to see if he has made any progress in getting Isabelle back, but I don't want any more bad news right now, so I will call tomorrow. I sit back in my seat and force myself to think of the summer that's about to begin instead of anything else... instead of Lily.

As my mind starts spiraling, I hear movement at the balcony doors. Daniel takes the seat beside me on the small couch. He spreads his hand across my stomach as he leans to kiss my head. I close my eyes and breathe in his scent.

"How long have you been up?" He asks.

"Not very long, about an hour. I didn't want to wake you up."

"I woke anyway when I realized you were gone. Are you okay? Did you sleep well?"

I nod, taking my final sip of tea. "I slept okay."

"What about the baby?"

"The baby is fine, resting, I think."

Now frustrated with my short answers, Daniel rubs the bride of his nose beneath his glasses and then pushes his fingers through his hair. What does he expect to say? What I want to say, I cannot, so I don't know what else there is to say at all.

"Okay, Gwen, talk to me,"

"What do you want to hear?"

"I want the truth. What are you thinking?'

I take a moment to nibble my bottom lip as I think about what I want to say. I won't ask him to tell me about Lily, but I have to know if she was the catalyst for last night's events. I take a breath in to steady my voice before I speak.

"Well, um, I know you have reasons for not sharing with me about Lily, and that's fine. It is none of my business anyway, but I --," I pause, staring at the empty cup in my hands.

What if he gets mad at me again? I am quickly regretting my decision to say anything. Daniel takes the cup from my hands and places it on the side table. Then he lifts my chin to look into my eyes with reassurance.

"Go on," he says.

"Were you thinking of her while you were with me in bed last night?" my words rush out with a single tear down my cheek.

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