Chapter 6

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"Hello, love," I smile, holding the phone up to my face.

Eva smiles widely back at me. "Gwen! I am so glad you're finally awake. I kept calling, and Daniel kept saying you were still asleep. If you hadn't answered the phone this time, I would have come back home and smacked you awake myself! Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay." I laugh at her. "The baby is fine. I was just tired."

"I would be too in your situation. That fucking bastard--" her sentence cuts off, and her eyebrows come together. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I shake my head gently and wipe my face again. Eva is my best friend, so I know I can talk to her about anything. But there's so much going on; I don't know if she can cheer me up this time.

"It's a lot," I sniffle and begin to cry again. My words rush out of my mouth like vomit. "Lizzie hasn't woken up. CPS took Isabelle away, and Evan is pressing charges against Lizzie and me for assault. I was arrested!

"They arrested you for assaulting him?!" Eva gasps.

"Yes, but Daniel came to get me. Now there's a whole investigation going on. My head is pounding, and I don't know what to do."

"What has Daniel said about all this?"

"He's doing everything he can to be there for me, but there's just so much. I feel like he will get tired of all the drama soon."

"Well, be careful what you ask for is all I have to say for him. He wanted crazy, and now he's got it! You did try to warn him, though, so..." She shrugs her shoulders jokingly.

I can't help but smile at her. She always finds a way to make me laugh in every situation.

"You should use him as a stress reliever," Eva continues. "You could spend the whole day in bed and brainstorming problem solutions during the rest periods. Isn't the sex is better when you're pregnant because of all the hormones and such?"

I continue to smile at her as I rest my head on my hand. Daniel and I haven't had sex since my baby bump started to show. It's not because I don't want to. I think he doesn't want to. Sometimes I get angry just at the sight of him but I think I do a good job at hiding that because it's not his fault I am so irritated. Mostly, I just want to be near him.

"Daniel and I don't have sex," I admit to Eva.

"What do you mean you don't have sex?" She gasps.

"We just haven't recently," I shrug. "We did once when my stomach started poking out. It was a little uncomfortable and wasn't as great as all the other times we've done it. He hasn't touched me in that way ever since. He may have gotten grossed out or something when he saw the baby bump."

"Did you ask him?"

I shake my head. "I don't want to hear him say he doesn't want me because I'm pregnant."

"That's it. I'm coming home," Eva says, shuffling her phone as she stands.

"What? No, Eva, you don't have to. You're there building your relationship. You don't need to stress over mine."

"Yes, I definitely have to! Chicks before dicks. My best friend is going through it, and she's not getting any! This is a high alert code red emergency. I will be there, and I am bringing something to get you laid... and if Daniel doesn't give it up, we'll strap him down."

I laugh at her determined facial expression "Eva, please, I'm fine."

"I'll be there soon. Love you, bye!"

The facetime shuts off, and I drop my arm with a smile to myself. She's coming back for me. I love her.

I hear footsteps shuffling up the stairway. I turn my head to see Daniel walking toward me. It's like Eva and I conjured him up by saying his name. I watch him silently as he kneels next to the pool chair, grabs my hand, and kisses it.

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