Chapter 23

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I don't understand how people do this. More like how celebrities do this because normal people don't have to leave through the back exit of a hospital to avoid the paparazzi. I was released two days after two days of surveillance at the hospital, and there was a crowd of cameras waiting for me. Daniel and I assumed we could get around them by going out one of the emergency exits, but there were still a few stragglers waiting in the parking lot. They kept calling our names and asking about our baby, if the amber alert was true or not since Daniel held on tight to a baby carrier. It didn't take them long to put two and two together about me giving birth to twins when the alert was not rescinded after we had gotten home.

It is truly baffling how, a year ago, I was a nobody. Now, because of my connection to Daniel Rivera, I can Google myself. I think it is safe to say I am not a normal person anymore. Whatever my normal was before this, anyway. The thing that pisses me off the most, however, is that people waste so much time gossiping about Daniel and I's private life when they could spend that time doing something useful to help us find our baby. Alyssa has just as much notoriety as Daniel, so how is it possible that she has made it a whole seven days unseen with a newborn? I'm certain the baby will need medical attention soon. The staff at whichever clinic she visits will have some questions.

Unless she has help from someone on the inside --- From whom would be a mystery and a shame.

Wailing from behind me on the couch lets me know that it is feeding time. Being home for the past few days, I have learned my secret ladybug is just as quiet in the outside world as she was in my womb. Until she gets hungry, that is. Then it's like a police siren on surround sound. My mother says I got lucky with such a calm baby because Lizzie and I were anything but. My mother places my baby girl into my arms and helps me to get her latched onto my breast. I wish I could be learning about the temperament of her sister.

"How are you feeling?" My mother asks.

"The same."

Mom gives me a sad smile and rubs my arm gently.

"Just rest, baby. She will return to you." She kisses my forehead. "I'm going to check on Lizzie. I'll be back, okay?"

I nod once and she stands headed for the door. My eyes bore into the wall trying to keep my tears at bay. I have never been in as much pain as I am now and it has nothing to do with the stitches going across the bottom of my stomach.

Everyone keeps telling me to rest and be patient. But how do I kick back and relax when a part of me is being held hostage by a psychopath? I have been advised to stay away from TV and the Internet, but since no one is around at the moment, I could flick through the channels to check for any new information. My search produces nothing useful, and I end up on TMZ as always.

My heart rate spikes when I see Daniel's name on the Up Next side with the rest of the headlines. After the longest commercial break, the first thing I see are the photos someone took of us leaving the hospital. I look tired and stressed. I am tired and stressed.

"Let's talk about this," Harvey says. "It's been almost eight days since there was an amber alert issued for Daniel Rivera's newborn baby girl."

"How did that even happen, though?" Charles cut him off. "Like, was the baby taken straight from the womb or something? That's got to break some kind of world record."

"Or create one for quickest parenting failure," Harvey scoffs. "And they're saying the baby was taken by his ex, Alyssa Chad, who has pulled an amazing disappearing act."

A woman's voice comes from the background, and then her face appears on screen. I forget what her name is.

"I don't know, I think we shouldn't be so quick to judge. I mean, I lost my nephew at Marshall's once. He was only hiding in the clothing racks, but for those few minutes I searched for him, my anxiety was so real trying to figure out what to say to my sister. I can only imagine what this is like for a new mother."

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