Chapter 25

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I am starting to piece things together for myself without her having to explain. Ava was tasked to keep an eye on me and the pregnancy so they would know when it was the right time for them to act. She admits to deliberately hacking and destroying Daniel's project to keep him away from home. I don't know if Daniel knows that, and I won't be the one to tell him. There's no telling what he'll do to Ava then. All the while, Alyssa was doing her part by gathering the necessary items to deliver the baby. However, Ava tells me she did not expect Alyssa to suggest they leave me to bleed out. That's when she, supposedly, came back to her senses.

Now she's crying and begging for forgiveness, but I am not moved by her tears. She ignored all my tears and my pleas for help. I could have died.

"I'm so sorry, Gwen," she sniffles. "I told Alyssa it was wrong, but--"

"But what, Ava? Nothing justifies what you did to me," I think I might start crying myself.

Ava wipes her face on her shirt, attempting to pull herself together. "I know you came here hoping that I could tell you where she is, but I can't. She never trusted me enough to say. I just wanted you to know how much I regret what I did."

I know that I should accept Ava's apology and say that I forgive her. I should be more understanding, but it's hard to forgive someone who betrayed you. I have been working on my faith, and it's what Jesus would do. However, I am still only human, and I am going to need some time. The wounds from the hurt she has caused me are still open and cannot -- will not -- begin to heal until my baby is safe in my arms, where she should have all along. Until then, I am done here and done with Ava. It turns out this was a waste of time because she has given me nothing helpful about finding Alyssa with my baby.

The handcuffs on Ava's wrist cling loudly as she reaches across the table toward me. I immediately pull my hands from the tabletop away from her. She is attempting to get too close, and that means it's time for me to go. As I rise slowly from my seat, the room door opens right on cue. I turn back for one last look at Ava leaning over the table with wide eyes.

"Please say you'll forgive me," she whispers. "That we can be friends again."

"I-I can't trust you, Ava. And we were never friends."

Ava's lawyer finds his way back to her side as Daniel grabs my hand to pull me from the room.

"If it helps, she loves the beach," Ava calls out to my back. "She always said that's where she would raise a family."

I pause in the doorway with a sinking heart. I know I should simply walk away, but I can't be cruel. I turn to look at her one more time, take a deep breath, and whisper, "Goodbye, Ava."

For a moment, Daniel looks as if he might feel bad for her as well before pulling me away. With our steps echoing down the hallway, I am determined to try and forget I ever allowed Ava into my life.

Finally, in the quiet backseat of our car, I feel it's time to confront Daniel about keeping me in the dark this whole week. But I am not sure how to approach it, so I have remained silent thus far and staring out the window. Even though I am a bit peeved at his actions, I still don't want to let go of his hand.

"Ava was right about something," Daniel starts. "Alyssa told me once before that she would love to settle down on a beach. It narrows things down, but then how would we know which beaches to search?"

My mind is otherwise occupied, so all I have to offer is a quiet "Mhm,"

"Hey, what's wrong?" Daniel pulls on my hand. "What are you thinking of?"

I sigh deeply and turn to face him. I guess I should just say it instead of letting him wonder why I am upset.

"Why haven't you told me anything about what has been going on? With the lawyers and everything?"

"You are still recovering from childbirth, and I didn't want you to worry. There was nothing significant--"

"I was already worried," I cut him off. "I have been worried since the day I woke up in the hospital, and there is nothing too insignificant about this case. You don't have to protect me. I am a big girl, and I can handle hard situations. I've done it my whole life."

Daniel moves over into the small space that I had previously put between us. He places his hand on my thighs to pull my legs across his, then leans to give me one of the gentlest kisses. Afterward, he remained close enough to rub his nose against mine, making me forget why I was upset to begin with.

"I know you can handle it," he whispers gruffly. "You're one of the strongest women I know. But you should not have to handle everything on your own. That's what I am here for."

He gives me one more kiss, quick and sweet, before looking me square in the eyes. I always feel so open when he does this. It's as if he could see into my soul, and it makes me feel... feelings. I feel a lot of feelings, and it takes my breath away.

"This is not happening to you, Gwendolyn. It is happening to us. You did the hard part by bringing our baby girl into the world. Now, it is my turn to bring her home."

How does he always know what to say to make me feel better? It's like we have one mind, and he knows exactly what I want to hear. He truly is perfect. My lip pokes out a little, and I push my hand through his hair to bring his mouth back to mine. I absolutely love kissing him. I could kiss him forever.

"Say it again,"

"I love you," he mumbles on my lips, making me smile.

"I love you more,"

The ringing of his phone breaks our moment, and he pulls away to answer. I shift in my seat to lay my head on his shoulder to feel the vibrations in his neck as he speaks. I am close enough to the phone's speaker to where I can hear the person on the other end say, "We found her."

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