Chapter 28

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"Do you think anyone will notice we're late?"

"Not at all," Daniel hands me the diaper bag and pulls the twins from the car to set them up in the double-seated stroller. "I'm sure Pastor Kirk was happy to have the extra time for a small sermon."

"And it looks like my sister is more late than I am." I am greeted by Lizzie wrapping me in a hug. "What's your story."

Lizzie rolls her eyes playfully, "Issy had a blowout right before I was about to put her clothes on. I had to give her another bath."

Laughter bubbles in my chest. "At least I won't get in trouble by myself now."

Victor follows close behind Lizzie, carrying a baby seat of their own. Baby Isabelle is awake and smiles at me when I peek at her. Her toothless smile helps a tiny bit to settle my nerves.

Stepping inside the sanctuary is a little blinding. It looks like snow on the inside of the building. The small church congregation all agreed to wear white with us in solidarity and to give best wishes to the newest additions to our family. There is a leafy green garland draped across the pews and the archway where Pastor Kirk is standing on stage, speaking as Daniel predicted. Beside him is the baptismal font on a pedestal surrounded by tea lights in the shape of small flames.

It's all so beautiful.

When the Pastor, clad in robes of solemnity, greets us with a warm but focused gaze, it causes everyone else to turn and place their attention on us as well. We make it to the front and stand to thank everyone for coming to the baptism of our children. Things move along without mentioning us being late as if nothing were out of order.

After removing the twins from their baby seats, Daniel and I step onto the stage and approach the baptismal font at the front with its waters clear and still. We stand on the opposite side of Lizzie and Victor at the podium with our family gathered in an open circle around us. My father watches from the audience because of his wheelchair. Eva, chosen as the Godparent for my twins and Isabelle, stands between us with a wide smile.

As I stare at my little ladybugs wrapped in white, I feel the weight of tradition and significance settling in. At this moment, we are preparing to entrust our little ones to the spiritual embrace of the community. Pastor Kirk stands in the center of us all before the bowl and raises his voice to address our audience.

"We are all here today to place our prayers over these beautiful little people. Please rise and bear witness to the blessing placed over their lives today."

The pastor dips his hands in the baptismal bowl, and we remove the lace hoods from the babies' heads so he is able to dribble the water on their heads. He turns to us after he finishes with Lizzie and Isabelle. With a hand placed gently on each of the babies' heads, Pastor Kirk says a small prayer for safety and prosperity. The congregation humming a gentle hymn of worship makes the room feel full.

"Elyanna Rivera," Pastor Kirk dips his hands into the font. "I bless you today in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

He pulls water from the bowl three times and gently releases it over her head. The coolness of the liquid wakes her from her sleep, and she is not too happy about it. I bounce gently to keep her quiet as the pastor moves over to her sister, who handles the shock of the water a lot better.

"Elsa Rivera, I bless you today in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Eva, as the godparent, with Daniel and I as their parents, affirm our dedication to nurturing the spiritual growth of our children. After Pastor Kirk completes the ceremony with a final Amen, the people break into applause, and the singing gets louder. My cheeks begin to hurt from the smile on my face, and I take a deep breath because I feel, at this moment, the church has become a sanctuary of tradition and love. Having been initiated into the community of believers in Jesus Christ, our little girls are beacons of hope for the future.

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