Chapter 14

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I love him.

I love Daniel.

I have spent the past week knowing that I love him.

It makes me giddy, like a schoolgirl with a crush. Talking used to be easy, but now I have difficulty responding. He could say good morning, and instead of being normal and saying it back, I stumble over my words. I have forgotten how to act around him.

His touch raises goosebumps on my skin, and I get shy when he's around. It's frustrating and amazing at the same time. Having someone to love is energizing.

I am just afraid he doesn't love me back.

Ava hands me a glass of juice and then scurries off to rearrange the gift table again. I take a drink from my cup and then continue watching as Daniel laughs with a group of other men — including my father. I am not exactly sure how long I have been staring, but I'm sure it has surpassed the stalker level. Maybe he has only stuck around for so long because of the baby. He told me himself he wouldn't leave me alone so long as I had his kid.

I will have to push away these negative thoughts so they won't ruin my party.

However, between consuming thoughts of Daniel and wishing my sister were here, I am having a hard time concentrating on the fun. This whole thing was her idea, so I have been trying to push my sadness aside and have fun, at least for today. Eva has been taking many photos and videos as we play baby games to show Lizzie when she wakes up.

"Damn girl, he ain't gonna disappear,"

I turn to Eva as she has startled me out of my trance and lower my head in embarrassment for being caught while staring.

"How long was I out?"

"For like a whole 3minutes," Eva laughs. "I guess that means you guys are doing good, huh?"

I smile widely at her. "More than good. We are so great together... I think I--" I cut off short.

How will it sound if I say it out loud?

"You love him," she says plainly, then laughs. "It's okay; you can say it."

"Yea, I do," My eyes travel back to Daniel momentarily. "Do you think that's crazy?"

"You deserve love, Gwen. You're having a baby with a great guy you're in love with, and he probably loves you back."

My head swivels back to her. "You think he feels anything more for me?"

"What's not to love?" she nudges my shoulder with hers. "You deserve it all, and I am so happy for you."

I nudge her shoulder back. "I love you too, Eva,"

She rolls her eyes playfully. "Of course you do."

"Is Quincy having a good time? I hope he is because he doesn't know anyone but us,"

"Oh, he is doing just fine," her eyes travel to where Quincy is in the same group as Daniel. "He's a social butterfly."

Now she is the one staring with a stupid grin. It's strange because I honestly never pictured them together. Maybe we have both found love.

"Hey, Daniel's birthday is at the end of the month, but I have no idea what to get him."

"Beats me," Eva shrugs. "What do you get a guy that has everything?"

"Exactly. There's nothing I could give him that he doesn't already have."

Eva claps excitedly with her hands.

"Oh! Your due date is the end of the month, so if the baby comes on his birthday, you won't have to buy a gift. You have given him the gift of life."

"I actually thought about that too!"

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