Chapter 21- Ash

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For the whole night, Bolin and I have been doing screening for The adventures of Nuktuk.

Today in the cinema, The Adventures of Nuktuk: Hero of the South was being screened.

Nuktuk walks ahead and hides behind a mound when he sees an ominous castle. "We finally made it. Now, we must stop the evil Unalaq!"

Evil Unalaq appears on the screen. "The Southern Water Tribe is mine. Next, I will conquer the world with my waterbending doomsday device!"

The crowd of mostly children jeers while throwing popcorn at the screen.

"Don't worry, Juji and Roh-Tan, I will end the evil Unalaq's reign of terror. For I am Nuktuk, hero of the South!"

"Nuktuk, you're not just the hero of the South, you're our best friend." Juji says, who is played by Paku.

"Nuktuk-ity!" Naga's character says.

Nuktuk hugs Roh-tan. "You two are the best snow raccoon and arctic panda a guy could ask for."

"Awww." The adorable kids in the crowd awe.

Music starts; Ash is hugging Nuktuk while atop Roh-Tan as the narrator starts to sing. "Who's gonna fight for friends and freedom? Nuktuk."

Nuktuk makes dancing movement and a water jet hits Northern soldiers, causing one to fall. "He's the biggest, baddest, bendingest man I know."

Nuktuk jumps up and taps his companions' paws. "Who protects the icy tundra? Nuktuk."

Nuktuk makes dancing movements once more and water falls over another soldier. "Battling Northies out there in the snow."

Evil Unalaq looks ahead, while Nuktuk punches him off balances. "When Unalaq starts trouble, he'll punch him in the mouth."

Nuktuk grins standing next to Roh-Tan, while Juji emerges from a snow mound. "He's Nuktuk, the hero of the South."

The crowd of children cheer.

Bolin, Varrick and I were watching from above the theater in a private booth.

Varrick loudly whispers. "Bolin, look up there. What do you see?"

I straighten out my white tight dress, that showed my slight curves. Bolin was wearing his suit.

"Is that a trick question?" Bolin asks.

"I'll tell you what I see," Varrick says. "A star being born. You're a star. People love stars. Stars tell them what to think and how to act. Bolin, have you ever tried to force a monkey marmot to ride a bicycle?"

Bolin thinks for a second. "Uh...not that I can recall."

"Of course you haven't." I intervene.

"Took the words right outta my mouth," Varrick says to me. "You can't force monkey marmots to do anything. They've got to want to do it themselves!"

"Right.." Bolin replies with a drag of his voice.

Varrick wraps his arm around Bolin, pulling him in closer to him. "With these movers, we'll have the support of the people, and before long, they'll persuade the President to lend his troops to the war effort."

On screen, a bound Ash is escorted to Evil Unalaq's throne.

Evil Unalaq, laughs sinisterly. "My evil plan is working. I've captured Nuktuk's beautiful girlfriend."

"Keep laughing." Ash says with a scrawl on her face. "Nutuk is coming, all right."

On cue, Nuktuk enters the room. "Not so fast, Evil Unalaq! Oh, I will save my true love and the South!" Nuktuk defeats the guards with waterbending. "And now, your time is up."

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