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Ashton's POV

I can't believe I have to do this.

Please don't be home.

Tate is making me go to Aubree's house to find the necklace. It's been two days since we've captured Aubree, and so far Harry hasn't tried to contact me at all. It is a weekend after all, I suppose he just thinks that she's been at home all this time.

If anything goes wrong today, if Aubree's mum refuses to let me inside, then I'll be forced to kill her.

I'm not a killer, I am vile and deceiving I'll admit that, but I do not enjoy ending ones life. Ive done it before. . . plenty of times, but ended that years ago. Tate called me weak.

And that is exactly what I am. I'm a weak fool who'll do anything to please his boss.

Tate had told me if I did good on this job, then he'll allow me to return back to hell with him.

Hell is scary, it's dark and it's intimidating. . . but it's my home. When I was twelve years old, I did disgusting things to my neighbors animals. I'd skin them alive and hang their heavy flesh on a wire in my backyard, behind a big oak tree. I didn't think anyone would notice my little secret, but when the neighbors daughter went looking for her cat, she happened to stumble upon my hideout. Immediately, she screamed and fled from the scene, banging on our door and confessing to my parents what she has seen. They knew it was my doing. . . they knew what I was and how I found pleasure in doing these things. But I am not a murderer anymore.

That night, I heard my parents discussing how I should be sent away to get professional help. But I wouldn't allow it, the second they saw me hiding behind the wall with a blade in my hand they knew it was over for them.

I will not go into detail about how I killed my parents, but it happened and I can't say I regret doing it. They deserve every second of pain they were given.

Seconds after I was finished with them, and with myself, someone appeared behind me.

Lucifer himself.

Lucifer looked me straight in the eyes, his emotionless face was meant to frighten me, and if it had, that means I wasn't fit for Hell. Though, I stared at him with power and said "Take me now."

I knew what he was there for, and I wanted to leave with him. I needed to.

Once I murdered my parents, I practically bathed in their blood. I had used the knife that had slit my parents throat, and did the same to myself.

I killed myself.

Long story short, Lucifer took me in and showed me the depths of hell, I was given a whole new life and my own place to live as well. Hell seemed endless. Later that year, I met Tate while he was being beaten in an ally. I saved his life and he offered me a spot in his ruthless gang.

Of course, I took it. I had no one, and if having someone meant being in a gang, then so be it.

Hell is very similar to earth, except everything is pure evil. The roads are dark and demented, there are no rules, no boundaries. Everyone does what they please.

Demons used to be able to leave hell to roam the earth once a month to find a soul to haunt. That exception changed quickly when Tate and Robert were banished from hell, everything changed.

I tried to convince Lucifer to allow Tate to stay, and ended up getting myself banished as well.

Ever since then, Tate and I have been stuck here trying to find that goddamn necklace. It's been 18 years. In hell, you live to the age you wish to be, then you stop growing, even if you're on earth, you remain the same.

Robert had a child, and that child grew to be the holder of the necklace. Robin was sent out of hell to hide it. . . I guess he waited for the right soul. He knew Robert wouldn't suspect his little girl to be the beholder of the enchanted necklace, so he pretended to be human and made a life here, just for his plan to be a success.

Tate and I found demented souls to be apart of our new gang here on earth, and as we began to start a new life, Harry's gang came into play.

Now, that's a whole different story.

I breathed heavily as I made my way up to Aubree's doorstep, my knuckles slowly coming in contact with her white door.

Shuffling was heard from the other side along with the cursing of her mother.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

The door swung open and I was greeted with a tired looking mother.

"Hello, I believe you're Aubree's friend.. ah what's your name?-" she almost tied guessing but not before I held up a finger to hush her.

Here goes nothing.

"Domum tuam tu mihi nihil haesitans." I spoke, my eyes transforming into a haunting black. Suddenly her pupils dilated and her body became stiff.

"I will let you into my home, no questions asked." she brainlessly repeated, moving to the side.

I was quite surprised actually, these old spells don't always work on everyone.

I smirked, pushing her to the side causing her legs to wobble. As she collapsed I couldn't help but laugh at her stupidity.

"Let's get started."

Harry's POV

She's gone. Aubree ran away or something because she is nowhere to be found. I haven't slept or ate a thing since. I just can't function without her, she's literally my life source.

This is what happens when a demon gets attached to a human. Nothing ends well on our part.

I pulled out my phone and angrily dial Ashton's number.

"Hey ma-"

"Where the hell is Aubree?" he has to know.

"Woah calm down, what happened?"

"Look, I can't find Aubree. Do you know where she is?" I huff, slouching down onto my couch. He's silent for a few seconds.

"No, I don't know where she could be." I hear shuffling. "Tell me if you find her, alright?"

I'm silent for a few seconds. Wouldn't he at least try and look?

"Yeah, sure." I hang up, looking around the room. Where would she go?


okay I was gonna do more but I have a ton of exams coming up so this is just a filler chapter. I'll be updating more once school is over!

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