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Harry's POV

Painful memories are one way to drive the human mind insane, it eats someone alive from the inside out until their forced to scream out for help. It strips a soul from all sanity, the depths of hell now seeping through ones skin, consuming it in one gulp. Darkness floods through their body, slowly taking over their mind. They have no say so in whats occurring, they've now become helpless to the deranged soul entering their body, leaving them to just sit there, handing over their mind over in force.

I've learned these simple things through experience, it's not something to gloat about nor except. Something so psychotic and unnatural shouldn't be easily accepted, it takes time for you're mind to ease into the unnatural things happening to you're body.

I hate being the way I am, he did this to me, I fell under his pathetic trap, I was so naive to believe his foolish offer. Now looking back onto it, I deeply regret my choice, and now I have to live the rest of my life in regret. Everyday I'm remembered of my pitiful decision, driving me further into insanity, if that's even possible anymore. My choice is made and now my life is set.

There's no going back.

Now, the fragile girls life is in danger because of my decision. Her life is already hectic and I'm forced to make it worse. I'm crazy, I'll proudly admit that, though I know I'm not insane enough to hurt someone who hasn't hurt me. I truly know she doesn't deserve to be put through hell, she's an angel, it's quite obvious.

I need her full trust for this to go right, I'm doing this for her protection, I try and convince myself. I know she'll hate me for this but I have no choice but to. I'm not ready to see the pain and hurt flash through her beautiful ocean-blue eyes as she sees I've deceived her, that at that moment I would lose all her trust and we would be stuck back at the beginning, when things were pitifully awkward and the tension was so strong people around us seemed to notice. I don't want to go back, I want to keep getting closer to this broken girl, I don't know what to think of all these.. feelings. I've never felt this towards anyone and it's all completely new to me, she's just so captivating. Everything about her is simply perfection, although she certainly believes the opposite, I know that she's perfect. And I always will.

Today I'll "randomly bump" into her and earn her trust, even if it takes a while to do, it's definitely worth it.

Aubree's POV

I wish I could say I loved my life, i dearly wish I could live a normal teenage life and spend time with my "friends" all day or stay on my phone all night but I don't have that privilege. I just simply don't have friends, not even enough to actually enjoy my phone. I have no one to text besides my mom, Sam, and Ashton. I haven't texted Sam in a while because we just aren't that close yet, Ashton on the other hand has been acting a bit off lately and I'm starting to question his attitude these days. He's not an asshole, just more distant? yeah, distant.

Though, here I am, sitting across from Harry at a small bakery, casually sharing a laugh like everythings alright. Which it is, for now. And I couldn't be more happier.

"And--" Harry's eyes squeezed shut as a laugh escaped his lips, wrinkles forming near his eyes making him appear younger and vulnerable. It was a side I've never seen of Harry, it was an amazing sight to witness, simply beautiful might I add. I definitely wasn't complaining, I loved happy and sweet Harry, not asshole-gang Harry.

"H-he actually fell for it!" I burst into a fit of giggles as Harry's laughter roared over mine. His eyes were now a bit watery causing him to appear irresistible almost making me want to kiss him on the spot.

I loved these memorable moments, when Harry's so sweet and seems innocent for that short amount of time and a selfish part of me wants to bask in that moment forever, I want Harry to always be this open towards me by telling short stories or even family moments.

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