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Aubree's POV

"But The 1975 is way better than The Killers! whoever they are." I snorted. Me and Ashton have been hanging out a lot lately, just talking. I'm glad I can actually say I have a friend now. He brought up bands and now we're arguing over which band is better, I stifle a laugh as he looks at me in shock.

"You did not just say that," he placed a hand over his heart.

"Oh but I did." a smirk plastered over my face. I kicked a small pebble, sending it flying towards a surprisingly tall tree. I stared up at the sky, then to the tree. The leaves appeared more green than ever, it was beautiful, small pink flowers visible in the distance.

"You alright?" Ash asked for the tenth time today. I nodded, avoiding his gaze, "I'm fine." why does he keep asking? don't get me wrong, I don't mind, but hardly anyone has been so concerned about my well-being.

"Why do I have a hard time believing that?" he asks. I gulped, peering over to the small, happy, children playing with each other. Their father chasing his children around in a playful manner. I almost wanted to cry, I admit, I was jealous. I was jealous because I would never have that. I would never be able to run around playfully with my dad, I knew he wouldn't ever love me as much as their father loved them.

I looked back at Ashton, slowly coming to a stop. We stood there, staring at each other until I spoke up. "I'm just.. different than others?" he cocked his head, staring at me thoughtfully.

"You're definitely not like other girls. But that doesn't make you different." I took in his words, they made me think.

You're definitely not like other girls. But that doesn't make you different.

We stood there in silence, just thinking. Why was he trying so hard to make me happy? I don't get it. Nobody's ever tried to make me feel good, or even talk to me for that matter.

"Look," he said, "I know we've just started talking, but I want you to know that I'm you're friend, and that you can trust me. Somethings bothering you, I can tell." he breathed, staring down at me. I gulped, nodding slowly. I know that, but I just can't. I can't tell anyone, even if I wanted to.

"Alright," I broke the silence, "I've gotta get home." I went to turn, his hand gripping my wrist stopping me. His fingers were laced with a small paper. "Call me if you need to." his eyes showed nothing but sincerety. I nodded, a small smile tugging at my lips.

I stared down at the paper with his digits neatly written on it, smiling as I walked home.

Actually smiling.


I couldn't concentrate.

I could tell Harry was staring at me all period and it was making me anxious. What's up with him?

"It's not polite to stare," I whispered. He smirked.

"Who said I was polite?"

I groaned, staring back up to the teacher. My mind drifted back to what Ashton said, You're definitely not like other girls. But that doesn't make you different.

As much as I want to believe this, I can't. Maybe it's my insecurities getting in the way, or maybe it's the fact that I've never had someone say that to me. But whatever it is, I just can't believe it.

"Psst." I heard behind me.

I ignored it. I actually intend on learning something in this class for once.

"Pssst." I chewed on my lip, whipping around to a smirking Harry. "What?" I snapped.

He looked a bit taken back by my harsh tone, though quickly covering his flashed emotion with yet one of his all known smirks. "There's a party tonight,"

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