ang old testament na divide sa 4
1. Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
2. Historical ( Joshua to Esther) ug kini nga historical account na divide sa 3 (Pre- Canaan History- History before sila nakasulod sa Land of Promise from Joshua to Ruth) ( Mid- Canaan History- History when they are already in Canaan the land of promise from 1 Samuel to 2 Chronicles) and ( Post - Canaan History- History about when they being captived from Ezra to Esther)
3. Poetical ( from Job to Song of Solomon) these are books more about poetry.
4. Prophetical ( from Isaiah to Malachi) kini pod divided into 2 ( Major prophets namely from Isaiah to Daniel) and the ( Minor prophets from Hosea to Malachi)sa new testament pod kay divided into 3
1. Historical- from Matthew to Acts, kini pod nga Historical na divide into 2 The synoptic Gospel also known as the 4 books of gospel from Matthew to John and ang acts is the record of the transition period from prophetical program to mystery program.
2. Pauline Epistles-from Romans to Philemon divided pod ni into two the Church Epistle accounts that was addressed to the church and Pastoral Epistle accounts that was specifically addressed to person.
3. General Epistles- from Hebrews to Jude accounts that was written for the jews during the tribulation period before the Millennial kingdom continuation of their program before entering the promised kingdom.
4. Consumation - Book of Revelation tha last book of the bible the fulfilment of the prophecy program.