not 6 either.......

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"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

┗ You heard a stern voice behind you, but you did not bother to turn around. As of cue, someone harshly grabbed your shoulders, and turned you around. Pain shot through your shoulders and your back, and you shut your eyes tight before wincing silently. You saw a male with violet hair and glowing red eyes. He was wearing glasses.
Unknown to you, a certain blonde woke on the voice of your wincing, and his eyes slightly widened, craning his neck over to look at you, but could only see your back. He was so sure it was you...

Your eyes returned to its normal size, "Do you know that it is a bad habit not to reply when asked a question, miss."

"Do I look like I care?"
Now, he was sure it was the girl, he was currently interested in, but what were you doing here?

Reiji, upon hearing your response, narrowed his eyes on you, displeased, but amused.

"Mind telling me your name and your purpose of visit, young lady?"
"My name is Y/n L/n. I'm here because I am supposed to stay here from now forward. I assume you know a person named, Karlhienz?"
Reiji's eyes widened, now connecting the dots.

'Oh! So this is the girl that man spoke about'

"I think I know now. Please leave your luggage and sit down on the couch. I will quickly call the others."

You sweatdropped before nodding on the word 'others'. Just how many were there?
You sat down on a nearby couch, staring at the interior vibes of this place, not noticing a certain boy come behind you, until you felt a push and next moment, you were in laying position on the sofa, but that wasn't even the half of it. Your back was pressed against a hard chest, and slow breaths were fanning over your neck as someone's hands directed your body closer into them. It was honestly cute if you weren't in a pickle.


Reiji came back, and was now staring at you and your holder, a few boys behind him, giving you all sorts of weird reactions.

"Shu, let go of her this very moment."
The person behind you, seemingly named Shu, let you go with a huff.
You stare at the boys sitting in front of you. Indeed they were handsome and in some cases hot, but none of them caught your eye.

"Ayato, where is Yui?"

The guy with the iron grip from before asked the familiar red head, who was making out with the blonde girl. Is her name Yui?

As of cue, 'Ayato' answered, "She's sleeping, because this human decided to barge in the time we were heated."
He said, resting his arms behind his head in a nonchalant way.

"Oh~? you naughty, naughty girl~!"
The fedora guy from earlier, came next to you suddenly. Did he teleport or what??
The guy, then disgustingly, licked your forehead, expecting a reaction out of you, but didn't get that.
You sure were disgusted.
Pouting the familiar boy turned away, to sit down with the other boys. Honestly, what the heck was going on? Were they related? But, they had zero resemblance...? Why is this place so sketchy?

"If everyone is settled, I think we should go around with introductions. I am Reiji—" he pointed to himself, "— This is Shu, the eldest." He pointed to the blonde guy from before. "They are Ayato, Laito and Kanato" he pointed to the boy making out before who licked his lips when your gaze fell on him, the weird, fedora pervert and a boy with indigo hair, bags under his eyes and sitting there with a somewhat eery looking teddy bear. He just huffed before whispering something in the bear's ear.

"The youngest of us is—" "Subaru Sakamaki?"
You interrupted Reiji, rather rudely, but you couldn't help but be shocked. It's her!
The albino thought, flustered at the thought that you said his name.

Many eyes widened at this. How did you know his name, when you did not know anyone else's? What connection do you both have?

Subaru pretended to be annoyed. "What in hell are you doing here?" He asked rudely, getting in your face, expecting you to run away after seeing him, he is a monster afterall!
"You two seem to know each other, huh? Interesting. Anyways, I think it is time for you to introduce yourself. Is it not?"
"Sorry I'm late!!"
A thin voice spoke behind you. You turned your head to see the person. Who else would it be? It was her.

"Oh.. who are you?"
Yui asked looking in your soul, although unintentionally.

"Oi pancake, she was about to introduce herself. Don't interrupt again."
"O-okay Ayato San..." She said timidly. Just how much of a bottom was this girl??
But, who were you to judge?
"Anyways, please continue."
Was this guy a butler or something?

Proper Sebby chan vibes, bruv

"My name is Y/n L/n. I came here on a short term notice from a man named Karlhienz, after the news of my parents' death. I'm going to stay here for until next instruction. Hope we all have a good time."
(;^ω^)'How did she express it like that?'
You sweatdropped at Yui's reaction.
Suddenly, the teddy bear boy got up from his seating, and started to come towards you. You were having second thoughts now.
As if the gods had listened to you, he tumbled on a his footing on a ridge in the carpet, and fell on you, literally.
His face meet with your chest as his face was between your (small/medium/large/your breast size) breasts.
A red colour follow to his cheeks, as he looked up at you. The small boy, then tumbled when you steped back, much to his disappointment.

Wtf is this guy's problem?! What was his name again?
Kanaru?? Kanao? Yeah, Kanato!!

Looking in your eyes again, he spoke, "Reiji forgot to introduce him." He pointed to his bear, "His name is Teddy. He tells me he is very happy to see you and says hi to you!" He said much like a kid. It was cute, ngl, so you bent to teddy's level, and waved your hand, motioning a friendly gesture, and with a small smile, you greeted him back. "Hello to you too, Teddy!"
You spoke kindly, which just added more energy in the vampire.

Yui on the side was suprised! He knew her for a more longer time, but whenever Yui tried to talk to teddy, Kanato would burst on her. What changed now???
Kanato teleported to your side, licked your cheek and then climbed onto you, after keeping teddy safely on the centre table. Before he could bite your neck, "Oi! Hands off her! She is おれーさま (yours truly) property as yours truly saw her first!"
Ayato came up towards you and Kanato and then peeled him off of you.
"QUIT THIS YOURS TRULY ACT, YOU BASTARD!" Yelled a very jealous Subaru. "You are noisy AND wrong, Ayato"
Shu quickly took you over to the sofa, and spooned up beside you, pressing his member against your womanhood. His face instantly darkened in color and he visibly relaxed. "Damn it, that deadbeat!"
Ayato grumbled.
"S-shu San?"
This voice jerked Shu out of his thoughts as he looked at the blond girl, her sherbet eyes full of betrayal and a very much not noticible emotion. But, it was there.
Shu closed his eyes again as he heard Reiji sigh. The most suprising thing to him was the fact that your breath motion had noticible stabled as you were fast asleep now, in his arms.
Just know, he liked it way too much. After burying his nose in your head, his breath fanning over your neck, he fell asleep too overwhelmed after seeing your peaceful face while sleeping.


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