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"Vampires..?" You let the words sink in as the former merely hummed, chuckling a little as he neared closer and closer to your neck. Whatever may come, he could never fathom your next move.

His head retracted, as your shoulders moved, signalling that you were chuckling. This action of your soon turned more audible. He took a step back from you, hands holding your waist.

"You're.. laughing. Why is that?" He fixed his glasses but continued to stare at you with eyes of confusion.

"S-Seriously?! Y-You're asking me that?" You said wheezing at this point, soon tumbling on your bed.

"Human. I asked you something and I expect a reply." Voice stern, he shot you a menacing look, eyes glowing faintly. You finally found yourself controlling, and chuckling lightly, holding your stomach and drying a tear from your eye. "I-I'm laughing at my fate" you said, trying to hold the laughter in, dare he think you were laughing at him.

He made a little *tch* sound and went out of the room, more like disappeared in thin air (which as the mystery was now solved) and left you to your own thoughts. Seriously, these kids were vampires! And here you thought it was just a mere fiction, made up by an old, boring man, who had nothing better to do in his life.
This explained a lot, and connected many gaps together. How light they were on their feet, how they usually were "thirsty" and how they were so powerful, so as to punch a hole in a good wall. But yet, one thing was not connecting, and it's name was "Yui".

Yui... was she one of them too? A vampire..? But she never displayed such signs..? In contrast, she was way too timid, least to say. If she were, by any chance a vampire... It would be fun to observe her. You remeber from your fist meet with Laito, that he had poor little Yui in his grasp and after he left, you had to carry her to the nurse's office.

Shaking your head, you laid down on the bed, your hair sprawling in different directions, as you closed your eyes, remembering all the occurences of the past few month. You move into Japan, your parents go away for a trip and get killed, a letter addressing you from Karlheinz, invitation to a house full of vampire sons and a potential vampire girl, revelation of them being vampires, and a lot more at school.

Your mind, unable to think anymore, carried you to sleep, registering a one last feeling of a small, cold body, against yours.

.• °.• °.• °.• °.• > ★

A voice woke you up from your slumber, a screeching one at that. You merely opened an eye, and seeing the face of Ayato, you shut it again and said sleepily, "What?"

"Get up! It's time for school, you deadbeat 2.O"

"Stop that horrible screech, and get out. I'm getting up" You said, getting up, your emotional face back on but you shouldn't have kept your eyes closed, getting up from the bed. Your face hit the stomach of the said leech, him, not even moving back and letting it happen.

"Hahahahaha! Look at you, kissing my stomach~!" Finally backing up, said he. You slowly stood up, and made a disgusted face at him, as he shivered a little and teleported out of the room, not without saying "Don't keep Ore-Sama waiting, peach!"

You irked at the nickname, duely knowing what he had meant by that. You took your sweet time dressing up, and packing your bag, before heading downstairs for the Limousine waiting for you. You could see Reiji looking at his pocket watch and tapping his shoe, impatiently.

You entered and settled down beside Kanato and Yui, the former waving teddy's hand at you.
"Y/n Chan! Teddy and I say, hi! Did you sleep well?" Making your lap his mighty throne, he asked. You smiled and nodded telling his to say hi to teddy too. "I did sleep well, did you and teddy have a good sleep?" You asked him, but dare not say anything to teddy, as this bi-polar boy may burst at any time.

"Yes! We did! Me and teddy had a little party, and had some more sweets and went to sleep!" He exclaimed, beaming at you. You noticed his dark-circles getting lighter and lighter each passing day. You signed in contentment and closed your eyes, feeling a music bud being pushed in your ear, blazing with Jazz. But, wasn't Yui sitting beside you..? You opened your eyes and saw her, scared, sitting in the corner seat, her original place been taken by Shu, who, seeing your trouble changed the music to something more... Inadequate. Those were moans, female moans. You turned your head towards him, making sure he knew how you felt about this, but you saw him peacefully sleeping.

You threw your head back and sighed. Just how much longer?!


Sorry for the wait! I've been a little procastinating on this book, but fear no more~!


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