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"Hello, my lovely children~" his voice jazzed out like a smooth yet violent tune.

Reiji stepped forward, placing a hand on his chest, bowing, "Welcome back, father."
"Thank you Reiji, I see you still hold on to your manners unlike others" his eyes trailed ro a few of the sons and Yui before they landed on you. That's when you noticed them widen and the cat-like pupils dilate.

"OH! Who do we have here?" He asked sliding over to your form, his silken white hair flowing. "Are you perhaps the newest addition..?"  He chimed questioningly.

You merely nodded, as to be unable to answer him. "I see, a shy one hm? We can always find that. Pity, Mr. (F/n) had to die so soon. But you bring us good luck so I'm not going to reminisce too much-" he uttered, peering in your eyes. "- your eyes are very interesting, not a dull spot but I cannot see a slightest tinge of light in them" he held your chin.

He then bowed down to you like a butler, and placed a hand on his chest, "I'm Karlhienz Sakamaki, father to these 6."

Then standing up, he dusted his robe, and held his hand out to you to shake, which you took very unwillingly.
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), although you probably know of me already."

"Ah! Yes, dear. Must I dare, your name suits you as well as your voice suits your features?" Stepping away from you bit eyes not leaving your form, he uttered.

You only nodded, facting you did not want to converse with this man too much. He seems the baddest of all bad news. Something about him was very unnerving and you had absolutely no motivation to test out what it was. Actually, now that you think about it, many thing are weird, not only with the man, but also with the brothers, this mansion and Yui.

You didn't realize you had spaced out until Karlhienz grabbed your arm and lead you to sit with him on the couch. You tried taking your hand put of his grip, but just couldn't do it. What is this grip? Metal?!

Karlhienz caught you struggling and smirked but it was barely noticeable. It felt good that you were in his grasp, and now in his own mansion, where he could always keep you under observation. After all, he was curious.

Shu kept his eyes on the joining juncture of your hands and growled internally. This feeling of jealousy was not native to him, but now it had grown tenfold seeing HIS human involved in a physical contact with one of the people he hates the most. He sat back on the couch, and shut his eyes tightly as to not witness it anymore. He turned up the volume so as to drown any noises form his supposed father.

Karlhienz noted this behavior of Shu, and observed him silently, for he was not used to ever seeing Shu like this. Moreover, Kanato, after seeing the human in contact with Karlhienz began whispering stuff in Teddy's ear and nodding his head time to time. Then again, nothing alerting because he did that always anyway.

After a short while, Karlhienz dispersed you and Yui saying he wanted to have some solitude with his sons to talk about some important matters. What those were, you did not know. But surely, it would have been something important. You considered the option of eavesdropping but, rejected it as soon as it came. It was not proper of you. So, you decided to mindlessly wander into the kitchen area, and make something for yourself, carry it to your room, shower and then enjoy the delicacy. Keeping in the refrigerator was not an option because supposedly the refrigerator always vanished the stuff (Looking at your excusing, Kanato).

You were debating between (F/D) and a strawberry latte, when the door slammed open, and in came a furious Shu, whose hands were trembling and he was looking pretty scary.

Assuming something went wrong at the meeting, you didn't mind him much, before he slammed you in the nearest wall and glared at you with his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm thirsty, human." He said more like growled shortly.

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