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A scrambling voice could be heard outside of the Limo you were sitting in. A squeak, and in jumped the blondie and saw around for possible available seats, alas. The only one was next to Laito. Shivering and eyes slightly quivering, she went to sit next to him, slowly as possible.

You were too focused on your phone to hear any part of the lecture that Reiji gave to her for not being on time, as always. The engine of the Limo came to life and thus, started the ride.

It was fine for a few meek minutes, untill Shu's head started bobbing here and there and seldom landing on your shoulder. You were not used to such an act, but still kept a poker face staring into your phone, scrolling up and down. This may have lasted five minutes, before the great Ore-sama took notice and started to ruin Shu's sleep, which had Zero effect, whatsoever.

Laito was acting strange. He was giving off a different aura than usual. His hands were on his thighs, head facing straight and an emotionless look on his face. Normally, he would say sexually uncomfortable and suggestive things to Yui, sitting next to him, but today, he was acting off. The brothers too, noticed that, but turned a blind eye to it.

The ride to school was quite blunt, no action whatsoever. Yawning, you got off the Limo and approached your first class as soon as possible, which turned out to be 'Algebra'.

Getting the seat next to the window, you sat down and pulled your supplies out, but you could not resist looking out the window.

The dark night seemed to be shining if not the stars. Hooting owls could be heard but the most prominent sound in your ears right the moment, was that of your heartbeat. All that had happened this past week, was too much for even you to take in. Why was everything occuring in your life, turning your life in a new yet horrid direction..?

First, a new school, then, the creepy nurse, then, the death of your parents and then the six brothers and the K.S. person, who you knew nothing about. It hurt, it all did. You could not feel the emotions, but you weren't stone-hearted. You would consider yourself as one though.

Why was life and fate pushing you around like a fuc*king tennisball?

You threw the questions to the back of your mind as your teacher entered the class and you were now stuck there for what felt like an year.


Finaly it was recess. Tired out, you got the food, and ventured off to the ceiling.
"Ahh- that one is... too shallow..."

You peaked in, and saw a boy carrying a knife. He looked around Kanato's age. What made shivers roll down your spine was the fact he had a knife with him, and was cutting his arm.

"Hello, I'm .... Azusa. Do you....like pain?..." A voice called to you behind your ear.

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