I did always like cats (4)

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Phil! Your making this story sad! Why did you hit him!? I wrote you to know better..... Anyway lets get back into story and get phil to sort out this mess.... Guy's this is going to be the last of this series in this book. Beacuse im making this its own book! The story will be a little different so this is like the end of this version of this book!

Phil woke on the floor of the bathroom his face still soaked with tears. He hit Dan........shit....and he just left him alone all night....
Phil jumped up and ran into his room looking for Dan frantically.

" Dan? Are you in hear?"

No reply.

He looked around the apartment. In the kitchen, his room, the living room. Were is he......Then phil had a thought. under the bed.

He walked into his room and bent down on the floor. Just as he suspected. Dan lay curled up under the bed still asleep. His face was stained with tears. Phil felt another pang of guilt. He reached under and pulled put the sleeping niko. He held him gently in his arms and sat on the bed still holding him. He looked down at Dan. His brown fringe was messy and his ears twitched every so often. Phil softly brushed away the remaining teards. He hated that he caused them. He had realised something. Something he should have realised earlier. He loved Dan. And he had to make this right.

The niko sighed in his sleep and started to stir. His eyes fluttered open and looked straight towards phil. He looked confused and suddenly, his face changed to fear. His eyes widened and his eyes were flickering back and forth looking for a way out. But phil wasnt letting go. He had to make this right. He had to.

" Dan. Please. Please please please let me explain or make it up to you." phil could already feel his eyes watering.

" I......... You were.....suppose... To protect me......." Dan wispered

" I know I'm so so so sorry Dan I....I was mad and stressed and I didnt mean to and that isn't a excuse but please, please try to forgive me..."

" I...I......"

Dan reached forward and pulled phil into a tight hud. He started to cry into phils shoulder.

" I.....I was so scared and I knew I couldn't leave and I thought you were going to start beating me and I.....I forgive you! I forgive you! I can't be on me own, I can't be without you! " Dan wailed clutching phils shirt.

" oh thank god. Thank you thank you thank you Dan. I'm so sorry. Im so so sorry! "

They were both crying now, holding eachother like there lives depended on it.

Ok sorry this is so short. Sorry.
Abyway I thanks phil for cleaning up that mess...... Do it again though and I will make sure you fall into a volcano. So guys thanks for reading and comment if you have any ideas!

Stay purple!


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