Never drink again.

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Hay in the mood for sadness I am sorry.

Dan's pov :

I can't remember why I started to drink. Maybe it was stress or that I couldn't think of ideas anymore. And I'm supposed to be creative for a living. It could have just been a one off thing that turned unto a habit.

Maybe it was I was just lonely. We were both busy and I was sad and missed you and I felt so..... Alone.

I hate to remember the first time you saw me drunk like that. I was sitting in the kitchen floor, bottles everywhere, red eyed and messy. I had become very emotional when I was drunk.

You stood in the doorway confused as I curled up with shiny new tear stains on my cheeks. I reached out for the bottle of who knows what, taking another swig.

"Dan?" You carefully stepped twards me, around the discarded bottles I had long finished.

"Dan what wrong?"

I didn't look at you. I just sniffed and carried on staring at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Dan please. What's wrong?" You sat next to me, crossed legged.

"I don't know Phil. I feel lonely and sad and I didn't see your face for a bit so I was more sad so I wanted to not be sad but now I don't know if I'm more sadder." I wimpered, sticking out my lip.

"You need to go to bed now Dan." You said calmly. But I know it must have felt something because your eyes were sad.

You had to carry me to my room because I couldn't walk straight. You had to tidy up my mess because you knew I couln't.

And this was just the first time.

Everyday. Everyday I would drink until you had to carry me and clean up.

You tryed to hide my drink. But I always found it somehow. You tryed to convince me to stop but I just carried on.

It scared you. You were scared for me and you didn't want to lose your boyfriend that was drifting from you to alcohol.

It wasn't untill I walked in on you sobbing on your bedroom floor did I do something. I pulled you into my arms and told you I would stop. I promised you. You told me you would be there every step of the way.

I did get better. With your help. You cleared the house of alcohol and made sure I didn't have any you didn't know about.

It was tough for me but I know it was worse for you.

Sometimes I would almost cave in. I came very close to drinking again but you were always there to pull me back.

And just when I was almost completely done with alcohol it had to all come crashing down didn't it?

I remember the phone call.

The man on the other end telling me about the car accident. The car that hit you.

I was straight to the hospital to see you. But I couldn't. You were fighting for your life and the doctors were trying but all I could do was cry in the waiting room.

I promised that I was going to help get you back to being your healthy, happy self. To help you through whatever injuries you had because you helped me.

I was going to do everything I could to help you, love you, make you happy, keep you healthy -

But I couldn't.

Because you lost the battle.

It was a drunk driver that hit you.

I'm never touching alcohol again. I thought I was sad and lonely and missing you before.....

that was nothing compared to now.

Ok guys so hope that was ok? Vote if it was and thanks for reading. Remember guys

Stay purple


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