𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1

197 7 1

Fuyumi's POV

"Miss Todoroki to the principal's office please, Miss Todoroki to the principal's office!"

'Wait what I am in the middle of classe!... Maybe I could just ask M. Reletski to come check on them while I'm gone? Yea right that should work, I mean at least his students are second graders and mine are only kindergarteners.

"Ok classe I'm gonna be gone for awhile. But make sure to be on your best behavior. Ok?" "Yes Miss Todoroki!!!" "Ok I'll be back soon."

'I really hope he's fine with it. It shouldn't be that bad I mean only half of the kids are demons... The other half are angels!... Yup it's gonna be chaos...'

I walk to M. Reletski's classroom, who's just diangley across from my classe. I knock on the door about three times untill he opened up.

"Miss Todoroki, it's so nice to see you. But um, aren't you supposed to be at the principal's office." "Yes I am that is exactly why I am here. You see we both know that we can't leave the kids unsupervised but I also have to leave for a bit. So uh, could you maybe watch them for me. Please!"

"Of course, if I get something in return.~" "Reletski do I need to remind you where we are!" "Relax all I want is a little date." "What kind?" "I'm not sure yet, how about I call you once I know." "Fine I guess. Now will you do it!" "Anything for you darling.~" "Reletski!" "Go to the principal's office, princess." "I am so getting back at you." "You can try.~"

'How is it that I both hate and love this man? Meh who cares as long as nothing like last week happens again... Then he's perfect!'

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I immediately jump about two feet away. Turns out it was Mayla, my best friend she also works here. She teaches the 5th graders.

"Fuyumi? Are you ok?" "Yea you just startled me, that's all." "Fuyumi." "Yes?" "Usually when I startle you, you only flinch. This time you jumped away 2 feet. Are you sure everything is ok?"

"Y- yea... I should really be getting to the principal's office." "Ok. But hey, you'd tell me if something was wrong. Right?" "Yea of course! Why wouldn't I?... Anyway cya." "Cya..."

I start speed walking down the hall away from her and quickly check my watch. "Omg it's already been 15 minutes!" 'Fuck it ima run.'


I open the door and see principal Toma sitting in. His chair looking towards the window as usual. "Principal Toma? I am so sorry it took so long to get here." "Miss Todoroki, please sit."

I take a seat and he turns around. Today he actually had his light purple hair in a small ponytail. He had darck blue jeans, a white T-shirt and to top it off a black hoodie around his waist.

"So I wanted to discuss some changes that have been brought to my attention lately." "Ok, what kind of changes?" Some of the staff has noticed that you are way more jumpy and flinchy then usually. Not to forget the fact that you have been avoiding all sorts of stuff"

"What kind of stuff?" "Well for starters some of your hobbies I haven't noticed you doing them when you usually do. You avoid conversations even when it comes to Miss Kamoni and she has been your best friend for as long as I can remember."

"Ok so? I've been busy!" "Ah right, you see another thing is that you've been a lot more emotional. One second you're calm then the littlest thing will tick you enough that you become mad. Also you say you're busy yet you're not actually. Cause many people have seen you at the cafe doing nothing, just sitting there."

"Why am I here?" "You see it's not only the staff who has been noticing these changes. The students have too even some of there parents." "Ok so why is this all so important."

"Todoroki, it's obvious that something is stressing you out. So I've decided that for the next two weeks you'll be staying home to be able to relax." "What about the classe!?" "I'll get a substitute."

"Principal Toma I assure you this isn't necessary. I can work, I don't need to relax!" "Miss Todoroki I'm sorry but you're proving my point. You are going to go home and you will relax. Ok?" "..."

"I had a feeling this would happen. So I called your father and he is on his way to pick you up." "What!? I don't need him to pick me up! I'm 21 I can do stuff myself you know, I'm not a kid!!!"

"Todoroki, please just cooperate ok. The reason why we're having your father pick you up is that we don't feel it is safe for you to drive. You know since you're obviously extremely stressed and very angry."

"Fine... What about my stuff? Can't I go get that?" "No need to worry I'll ask Kamoni to drop them off at your house." "I'm not even gonna ask why at this point!"

"Well since we're at this stage I think it would be best to tell you now then later. Since you're obviously very mad! But won't react to much. I should probably tell you the most less pleasing news of all..."

"And what would that be!?!?" "Well all of us we had a talk and chose that it would not be safe for you to be alone while you're dealing with your stress. So... Your father is not only picking you up he is also going to be staying with you and keep an eye on you.."


As soon as I got up and walk out the door I ran into something or more like someone. I look up and my father was already here. 'damn it, the only thing who can stop me!' "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"

"Fuyumi come on let's go to the car. I picked up three huge bags of peanuts for you on the way here. Hopefully they still work as good stress food?" 'How did he remember?...' "Let's just go."

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