𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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"Fuyumi, could you please tell me what's going on?" "No! Just bring me home!" "Fuyumi I am your father you do not scream at me like I'm some random stranger!" "Just bring me home already I don't want to be at this school right now and don't want to be stuck in this car forever!"

He stared at me for a bit then turned to the driver and handed me a bag of peanuts. "Here you should eat. Also you, bring us to her house." "Yes sir."

'Damn he was right... These are huge... And yet he still got me 3 bags... How does he remember!?' "...Thanks dad..." "No problem kid." "You do know I'm not a kid anymore right?" "I know, but to me you'll always be my little baby girl."

'Wow he really is trying to change. I must have really gotten into his head. I mean so far he's doing... Ok.' "Hey dad?" "Yes Fuyumi?" "How did you remember that my stress food was peanuts?"

"Well I may have been neglective in the past. But would see your garbage. And I remember when you had you're first date I wasn't really helping you with anything. But I remember hearing you talk to Touya saying that you were extremely stressed and that a phew jars of peanuts would help you. Same thing on the night of your prom and when you ran for classe president. And every time that you were stressed I would see Touya come home with grocery bags filled with peanut jars. And I would always end up finding the cans in your garbage bags."

"You? You? So as much as you were negative you still cared and tried learning stuff, didn't you?" "Yea I wish I would have actually acted instead of just watching." "Wait so you learned stuff from us by our garbage!?" "Yea..."

I started laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny?" "I don't know. I think it's just I found out that you weren't AS bad as we thought. But also the fact that your way of learning stuff about us was by our garbages... Is just full on hilarious and pathetic at the same time!"

"Well then, maybe I'll go back to looking threw your garbage." "OR! Just hear me out for a second.... You ready?.. you could just talk to us." "If only it was that easy..."

"Yea I know. Hey you know since you will be with me for the next 2 weeks. We could hang out, learn about eachother, and maybe party?~" "That doesn't seam bad. Except I'm not sure about the partying." "Ok that's fine there's all sorts of other things we can do." "Yea there is."

"Oh we're here." I get out of the car and my dad looks at the place staring. I grab him by the arm and drag him into the apartment building.

"Fuyumi?" "Yea." "Since when do you live in an apartment?" "Um? Ever since I started living alone." He stands there in silence still looking all over him. "Come on!" I drag him to the elevator a press the button for the 5th floor. The apartment was quite big.

There was a lobby then 6 floors of housing. There's also a huge garage plus you're able to go up onto the roof. Of course there's fencing but still really cool. Especially since there is an amazing view of the city. Oh and every house has minimum 2 bedrooms maximum 4 bedroomms. Just in general the apartment is bigger you would think.

The even better part is that Mayla and Reletski also live in this building so we get to see eachother very easily. Mayla is on the 3rd floor. But we usually hang out in my apartment. Reletski is on the 6th floor. Usually I go over to his apartment but sometimes he comes down to me. But when it's all three of us we go to either Reletski's apartment or the lobby.

"Fuyumi don't you feel crowded or anything?" "Nope it's actually bigger than you may think." "Really? Cause every apartment that I have ever gone to they've all been incredibly small." "Dad I'd say it's like half the size of the Todoroki household it's a good size. Also if you need a good representation just look at the buttons." I say as point to the button.

"You see even if the apartment was small there is more than just the apartment in the building that the residents can use. You see the lobby is a really good spot for friends to hang out, there is an extra bathroom, and a huge extra closet. On the first floor there is a huge laundry room. There is a garage and you can go on the roof."

"Oh also every apartment has a good balcony and rent isn't even that bad. As much as there isn't really any yard space. There is two parck down the road. One is more calm and full of natchure. The other is a playground parck so less calm cause well children, but still really good."

"Wow Fuyumi! It seams like you've found a really good spot." "Thanks dad." "Maybe Natsuo would like a place like this. I mean hasn't he been planning on moving out after college? I think I hear him and shoto talking about something like that." "I'll tell him about it."

*DING* "Come on!" I say as I start running down the hall. "Fuyumi I don't think you should be running!" "Just come on. It's fun!" " "Fine..."

He start running towards me untill I stop infront of my door. *274* "We're here! Oh by the way if you ever need there is a spare key under the plant pot." "I'll remember that."

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