Chapter 6

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"Doctor Robbins, i'm on your service today" smiled Leah Murphy with an slightly high pitched tone in her voice. "Uh yeah, great" smiled Arizona while checking her phone, "Get ready for rounds Doctor Murphy, they're in 10 minutes meet me at the pediatric nurses station " stated Arizona before walking up and bumping into Callie "Uh-oh... Calliope" smiled Arizona while picking up the charts Callie dropped. "I have it" sighed Callie while pushing the charts on a pile " Aren't interns there for this kind of work?" asked Arizona while standing up. "Arizona, what are you doing?" sighed Callie, "i work here,and i'm talking to my wife" stated Arizona with a wry smile. "Your wife?, you say vows to your wife, and you don't break them by screwing some brainy blonde" hissed Callie, Callie turned around and walked straight up to Jo Wilson.

Callie put her keys down and sat Sofia down on the couch "What does my baby girl want to eat?" smiled Callie while wiping away a stray of hair out of Sofia's face "Chinese" smiled Sofia, "Okay then, you want that rise you like?" asked Callie while she grabbed her phone to go looking for the number of the chinese take out. "Yes mommy" smiled Sofia while she again stood up to get her barbie doll, the doorbell rang and Callie opened the door "Hey uh.. Meredith and Zola" smiled Callie smiling softly, "Derek was being a lazy McAss, so i left him with Bailey for the night and i semi-decided Sofia wanted a play date" smiled Meredith while putting Zola down "Sofia is in her room" smiled Callie to Zola, Zola immediatly ran up to Sofia and they started playing. "Want some?" asked Callie while holding up a bottle of red wine, "Yes please "groaned Meredith. "I was just about to order chinese, pick something from the menu and i'll call them" smiled Callie while throwing the menu on Meredith's lap.

The chinese food had arrived and Callie,Meredith, Zola and Sofia were watching Big Hero 6, "This movie is an emotional rollercoaster" stated Callie while brushing Sofia's hair with her hand. "What is a rollercoaster?" asked Sofia while taking a tiny piece of popcorn, "I'll show you a video of one when the movie ends" smiled Callie.
Arizona was standing on the porch of Meredith's former house, now in ownership of our dearly beloved Alex. Arizona walked up to the front door, and knocked on it. After a short time of waiting, Alex opened up, Jo appearing behind him "Arizona?" he asked questioning. "I was alone, and i-i hate being alone" stuttered Arizona while wiping a stray of her out of her face, "Come in then" smiled Alex while opening the door further. Arizona walked up to the couch and Alex sat down next to her "Want a beer, Doctor Robbins?" asked Jo while popping her head around the corner of the door from the living room. "Yeah sure, and Jo? please call me Arizona" smiled the perky blonde.

Jo walked back in the living room with three beers, she handed Alex and Arizona one " I'll just-.. uhm go upstairs" smiled Jo while looking at her boyfriend and Arizona. "Jo, you can stay with us if you like" smiled Arizona while taking a sip of beer "You sure ?" asked Jo slightly uncomfertable, "I am" smiled Arizona. Jo sat down next to Alex and lay her head on his shoulder, Alex turned on the tv and scrolled trough the channels for a while "I'll just keep it on this channel then" sighed Alex "Ah that General Hospital show, that's some serious crap, they don't even say the medical terms corectly " sighed Jo chuckeling "I used to watch it but then i realizedd it was some crap" smiled Arizona while pouring the beer in her glass.

Arizona woke up by the smell of bacon, she looked around dissorientated, she looked to her left and saw Jo asleep. Arizona stood up, stretched her legs and arms and walked up to the kitchen "Ugh Alex, it's 2 am" yawned Arizona "Why are you baking bacon?" asked Arizona while sitting down at the table "I was hungry, couldn't sleep much any way" stated Alex while putting the bacon on his plate "Want some?" asked Alex, "I'm good, i'll make a regular sandwich" smiled Arizona "Why can't you sleep then?" asked Arizona while taking the butter out of the fridge. "Ah nothing.. it-it's silly" smiled Alex while sitting down again, "If you can't sleep it isn't silly" stated Arizona while sitting down across of Alex. "I-i feel guilty" he finally said, "for what ?" asked Arizona "For the plane crash" he said in a soft whisper "I-i should've been on that plane, i should've lost my leg, not you" he muttered soft while taking a bite of his bacon "Alex, i kicked you off that plane, there's nothing you could've done , it's my fault i went lm that plane, i didn't want to loose my best resident, to hopkins, i was selfish and immature, but Alex, you should not think like that, it was my fault i was on that plane, but it was nobody's fault that it crash, you didn't know, i din't know, nobody knew it would crash, okay?" responded Arizona "I was the one that cut of your leg, not Callie" whispered Alex now nervously and a little flushed. "I'm sorry" he sighed, Arizona stood up with a smile "What are you doing?" asked Alex nervous, "Going to get my wife back" smiled Arizona.

Arizona arrived at Callie's appartment only then seeing it was 4 am, she decided to close her eyes just for a little while, two hours later she woke up because of her stiff neck and back, she heard muffled sounds in Callie's appartment so she stated that Callie was awake, Arizona knocked on the door of the appartment and waited patiently. "Arizona it's 6.... :18 am what the fuck are you doing here?" hissed Callie clearly annoyed, "I'm sorry.. Alex told me, a-about my leg" whispered Arizona "Why did you say you cut it off?" asked Arizona, tears stinging in her eyes "I knew you needed someone to blame, and i-i thought it would be easier for you to blame me" whispered Callie while swallowing away her tears. "i've been a terrible wife" whispered Arizona.. a tear rolling down her cheek, followed by another tears within seconds Arizona was practicly sobbing, Callie grabbed Arizona's shoulders and wrapped her arms around Arizona "Hey..ssh.. it's okay" whispered Callie in Arizona's ear soothing. Arizona looked into Callie's eyes, and Callie looked into Arizona's eyes, they kept staring at each other until Callie locked her lips with Arizona's. After a minute they both let go gasping for air "Calliope, what does this mean?" asked Arizona "I miss you, Sofia sleeps next to me now a days so i don't feel so lonely, i can't sleep without you... the bed's too big without you" sighed Callie.

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