Unethical Convictions

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Papyrus fell onto the floor, yelping, as he found himself in confinement. A transparent field of energy covered his radius as various alien mechanisms were found within. And then there was a crude and white toilet that he would very much recognise. Seems they didn't think of anything creative.

"NYEH... WHY DID I DO THAT IDIOTIC MOVE... I COULD'VE JUST... TOLD UNDYNE IT WAS TOO DEEP TO CLIMB..." Papyrus lounged on a crystal slab, which all parted away for his body when he sat, and put his head into his hands, elbows leaning on his legs. He began to think about his brother, his friends and the people of his hometown. As he did, he grinned a little, "AT LEAST... THEY'RE SURE TO REMEMBER ME..." Papyrus reasoned, "PREOCCUPIED THOUGH... WHAT DID THEY MEAN...? AND WHO WAS THAT PERSON... WHO VOUCHED FOR ME?" Papyrus then pondered. Then he thought of Huawei, their unknown face as he went into the portal. Papyrus sighed as he lied down, "I'M SORRY... HUAWEI..." he muttered, as he rolled over.

"Apology accepted."

Papyrus sprang up, "HUH...?" he grunted. He looked and saw Huawei, standing at the corner outside the barrier waving at him. "OH, HELLO," Papyrus stood, and waved back. Huawei leaned against the field, "Um, how do I put this lightly... my race aren't a big fan of yours," Huawei explained, "YEAH... I GOT THAT," Papyrus confirmed, crossing his arms. "Hey, cheer up, I'll break you out somehow," Huawei stated, "You don't deserve to be here... and it's my fault... and I really feel stupid, and I just want to make it up to you," they then mumbled, bunching up a little. Papyrus uncrossed his arms, just looking at Huawei with a sad glance, "WELL... IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT... I SHOULD'VE JUST WENT WITH YOU AND LISTENED," he sat down again.

Huawei just turned away, adjusting their hood shamefully, "Right... okay..." they mumbled, then slumping down to the ground.

"UHH... MAY I ASK, WHY DID ONE OF YOUR PEOPLE VOUCH FOR ME, IF THEY ALL AREN'T FANS OF ME?" Papyrus asked. "Well, uh, MOST aren't. There are a few, weird apples, here and there. Conspiracy nuts, haha..." Huawei responded, muttering a little. "AH... WELL THEN," Papyrus slumped, "SO, CAN YOU LIKE... TELEPORT IN HERE? AND GET ME? OR IS IT NOT THAT SIMPLE?" he stammered a bit. "Well, yea, I can't. That forcefield, it's made of 100% concentrated magic, and you can't warp through stuff like that without, well, incinerating," Huawei explained. "RIGHT..." Papyrus understood, before chuckling a little. "...What's so funny?" Huawei enquired, looking at Papyrus. "'Depthsmen', WHAT A FUNNY NAME FOR A RACE, IS IT NOT?" Papyrus pointed out, "I-I MEAN NO OFFENCE, OBVIOUSLY, NYEH HEH," he clarified soon after. "Oh, yea it is kind of dumb. It's what we are though," Huawei agreed.

A few moments went by, as Papyrus and Huawei just slump near the walls of their respective places, "HEY, WHY DO THEY NOT LIKE ME SO MUCH ANYWAYS...?" Papyrus questioned. Mild thumps were heard from afar. "Well, uhm-" Huawei was about to explain, before a loud,


Papyrus and Huawei jumped, Huawei darting away from the entrance of which the crash originated. Several Depthsmen broke in using a spell, and floated down the staircase quickly, "W-Hey! What're you..." Huawei panicked, before getting incapacitated by one of them. "FRIEND! NO!!" Papyrus darted to the forcefield, pounding onto it. "Relax, pal, we're gettin' ye oot," a familiar voice called out.

Papyrus soon realised that these figures were those with an emblem, that same emblem he saw earlier, the 'rebels'. He watched as they began to line up and prepare some kind of spell, uniting as one. He stood back in anticipation of another crash, but there wasn't one. Just a swoosh as the forcefield dissipated. They rushed in, "Come oon, this waey!" the main rebel stated, them being in that same blue cloak, pointing to the wormhole that had just opened. Papyrus hesitated for a moment, looking at the pile of cloth that was Huawei, "ARE THEY GONNA BE OKAY?!" he enquired, almost angrily. "Pal, if ya want 'em so badly we'll geddem oot wi' ya, now scram!" the rebel ushered, "...UHM... OKAY??" Papyrus blurted in confusion, before diving through the wormhole.

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