Atypical Alliance

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That was when cries of murder shot through the air, piercing Undyne's ears, making her sharply turn her head towards the town, "...NO!" she yelled. Sans looked as well, but Undyne was already sprinting towards the origin. "NGGAAHH!! I'LL SAVE YOU, JUST HANG TIGHT!" she assured, the snow clearing under each footstep and exploding outwards.

Undyne arrived at where she heard the screams, in the town 'Librarby'. She bust down the door, unsheathing a spear and pointing it around. It was lined with bookshelves at the back, a counter to her left and tables at the right, with little décor asides a potted plant at the corner. A large mat spread across the floor at the table, alongside blood stains. Undyne quickly noticed that there were 2 townsfolk, one of whom being an orange humanoid with horns who actually seemed relatively calm and the other, some kind of small panicked humanoid with a large scarf and large ears, both behind the desk.

"What's happened?!" Undyne demanded, looking around. "A... a monster came with us... and then... suddenly turned rabid and... uh... the monster who handles the ice began... erm..." the small one stammered, "NGAH, I don't have time for this," Undyne blurted, stomping around.

Undyne's eyes then locked onto a great wolf-like monster, staggering about with a hand on his thick arm, dripping with blood. The wolf was at the tables, before slumping against the wall next to the window. "What happened?" Undyne enquired, to no response. Undyne then quickly discovered the mutilated body of a bear-like monster who had an orange jacket on, clambering to life and attempting to crawl to Undyne, snarling. Undyne inhaled deeply, looking away as she threw a spear into the bear's head, passing through its entire body and splattering it, which turned to dust.

The two Monsters who had been hiding had emerged, at where the wolf was and trying to communicate him. Undyne approached. "Undyne... this guy... he saved us," the one with large ears informed. Undyne looked to the wolf solemnly, "I know," she said, before ushering them away. "Wait, what's going to happen with him?" the orange one asked. "Just go! You don't need to see this," Undyne shouted, pointing at the door. They quickly left, as the wolf tried to stand up. Undyne turned to him, and summoned another spear, to which caught the wolf by surprise. "You did well, but I can't afford to let you out..." Undyne explained, putting the spear onto the wolf's temple. The wolf just stood, looking to the floor and closing his small eyes...

Sans would be at the entrance of Grillby's, looking around lazily as he spotted Undyne emerging from the library at the far left of him, not thinking too much about it. A monster stepped from Grillby's, one of which looked like a purple bird, "Hey, do you know anything about what Undyne is doing here?" they asked.

Sans shrugged, "dunno til we know, bud," he responded, sipping the mayonnaise again which was empty, but he was too lazy to replace it.

"Ah... Grillbz is wanting you to pay your accumulated tabs now while you ain't got nothing else to be bothered about," the bird quickly informed, pointing back.

"so that's why you wanted to talk, aye?" Sans smugly pointed out, crossing his arms, "...Yep," the bird leaned.

Sans sighed, "oh well, I actually volunteered to help with this case. ya know, loyalty to our sworn king, all that, heh," he chuckled, to the bird's dismay, who just went inside with a groan. "ah, this job might not be so bad after all..." Sans remarked, tucking away his bottle of mayo... only to vaguely hear the sounds of a stampede.

Sans's expression began to shift immediately, "oh," he mumbled, looking to his right, and seeing all of the rabid dogs, of whom were charging towards the Town. Sans quickly turned back to Undyne, who was still at the library, talking to 2 townspeople, before turning to Sans and the cluster of dogs.

An echoing roar was heard as Undyne shoved the people into the library and shut the door, chasing towards Sans, eventually arriving in a sweat, "How did those BASTARDS cross over here?!" Undyne rambled, summoning spears in her hands.

"I honestly don't know," Sans replied.

"Well, you defend these people, the ones in this restaurant, I spotted a lot of them headed for there, don't worry about me I'll deal with them!!" Undyne plotted, quickly running and taking a stance near the Christmas tree.

"wait, what do I do if they get in?" Sans asked in a panic, "Just use your bloody magic and kill those things!" Undyne called back. Sans just nodded, before entering Grillby's.

Entering the building, the entire place was huddled with people, including MK, that bird from earlier and several other monsters. "okay, ladies and gentlemen, you may want to move away from the window," Sans announced.

"We know, we heard the awful exchange you had with that fish lady," a blue bear in a jumper said, "Sans, are ya gonna d-d-d-defend us?" a blob with rabbit ears stuttered.

"well, that's a maybe, but I know one thing you could do and that's pass me over two of those tables," Sans responded, pointing to the poker table and a booth table, "Why should we listen to you, you don't even pay your tab!" that bird from earlier objected.

"cause they'll break through the windows otherwise, now help me here will ya?" Sans asked, attempting to drag over a table but stopping mid-way.

Eventually, the bear and Grillby himself assisted, bringing over the tables and Sans used his magic to stick bones into the tables, effectively stapling them to window and the walls. Sans wiped the sweat off of his forehead, "good job, we should be able to hold out here until Undyne's done with them," he congratulated, sitting at one of the booths.

The groups of people all just began talking about the situation to one another, questioning how it will go. MK trotted over to where Sans sat, "Y-Yo," he greeted, sitting adjacent to Sans. "heya," Sans just muttered, watching the doors and window.

"Erm, I-I have a question... i-if that's alright, I know we d-don't talk much... h-haha..." MK awkwardly asked. Sans just turned his head to MK, pausing for a moment. "...You there...?" MK asked, which snapped Sans out of the trance, "oh, er, sure kid, fire away," he mumbled.

"How did'ja become a Royal Guard? S-Since you were... talking to Undyne... and all that..." MK asked, in awe.

"well, I'm actually a sentry believe it or not... I certainly didn't believe it, such a boring task, just sitting in one place and watching a certain path or two, like we were meant to be robots, eheh... then, Undyne really needed my help with this whole thing, and I began working with her," Sans explained.

"Wooahhh... that's cool... she just, asks you, and you're like 'yeah Ms. Undyne, I'll do this for you'?" MK questioned, "...yep," Sans lied through his teeth.

"Hah, well with somebody assisting her... Undyne will definitely have this under control, right?!" MK grinned, "well, we can certainly hope so... heh," Sans responded, patting MK's shoulder a bit.

MK had went off to join back with the group, before Sans felt vibrations from his pocket. "mmh?" he mumbled, before realising it was his phone, "oh, I thought the Undernet was down?" he thought, "ah well, maybe it just particularly likes me today," he then asserted, before taking it out and seeing that it was his brother calling.

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