The Great Rescue

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As they went around the Snowdin Depths, swerving and darting to escape the Depthsmens' eyesight, Papyrus was eagerly searching around, for the human. Surely, after all this time, they would show up somewhere. "HUAWEI?" Papyrus tapped their shoulder. Huawei looked around, "Hm?" they grunted. "IF YOU HAVE ANY SEARCH SPELLS OR SOMETHING, DO YOU THINK YOU COULD FIND THE HUMAN I CAME WITH??" Papyrus inquired. Huawei stopped for a moment, "I suppose so... yeah, give me a moment," they responded, beginning to use magic. "AWESOME! THEN I CAN FINALLY LEAVE THIS PLACE, RIGHT??" Papyrus consulted, looking up. "Yep. I suppose you can..." Huawei responded sombrely, as sparks whisked out of their now visible hands. Papyrus looked further, their hands were dark, and fluffy.

Huawei's head then shot up, almost like a cat, as they looked at a certain direction. "WELL?" Papyrus asked, looking at where Huawei looked. "...Your human friend is in there," Huawei spoke, then pointed at the wall. The wall, as Papyrus recognised, appeared to be yet another wall with dents. "...WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN?!?" Papyrus emphasised. "Yep," Huawei's head stopped looking that way, back to Papyrus. "...WELL LET'S GO! THEY MIGHT BE DOING SOME HORRIBLE THINGS WITH MY FRIEND!!" Papyrus marched towards the wall. "Hey, didn't you say you were finding them for your boss or something?" Huawei questioned, floating after him.


"Uh huh, right, anyways you know what to do with the wall, right?" Huawei affirmed. Papyrus, however, had already solved it in record speeds, "YEP!" he said, as he smashed his fist into the now centred dents and making them shoot out and convert to coins. Ripples came from the centre, confirming it was a portal. "WELP, ARE YOU READY?" Papyrus asked.

"Wait, did I ever tell you what the coins were for?" Huawei asked, picking up the coins. Papyrus pulled the coins he had out, "UM, NO, YOU NEVER REALLY DID," he reminded. "Well, they're mainly used to power things, sort of capsules of energy. Figured I'd tell you now since you might find some stuff in there that could be useful, like a staff or something. Those staffs are quite funny, they actually have a manual inside of them, in the form of a spell," Huawei explained, handing the ones they had over to Papyrus.

"OH, WELL THAT'S USEFUL!! I REMEMBER SEEING THOSE COOL STAFFS, THEY MUST BE A BOOSTER OF MAGIC OR SOMETHING, AND THAT MANUAL WOULD CERTAINLY BE HANDY!" Papyrus put the coins away. Huawei looked at themselves, then at Papyrus, "Anyways yeah, I'm ready," they confirmed, "Just let me scan the area first," Huawei stated, as they floated in front of the portal.

A small party of 4 would situate around a table like the one Papyrus saw before, floating and, what could only be thought as, eating some kind of glowing substance, as Papyrus and Huawei burst in. "Who- WAIT A MINUTE!" one of them yelled, "TAKE THIS, EVIL CLOAK DUDE!!" Papyrus then rushed with a blue bone, bashing into them and impaling them with it. The others would react, scattering from the table, "YOU BASTARD OUTSIDER!" one of the other Depthsmen yelled, casting a spell. Huawei would be quick to cast their own spell, knocking the three others out and causing their cloaks to fall to the ground, with nothing in them.

Papyrus would stand over the one he impaled, who is completely fine, as the bone is blue. "...Well isn't this a bad situation..." they uttered. "YEAH, IT SURE IS, NOW TELL ME, WHERE IS THE HUMAN?!" Papyrus demanded, pointing at them. Huawei just went to the side, eyeing a cyan doorway that sparkled. "Well... heheh... why would we tell an outsider our knowledge? It would just give you more insight of how to beat us... wouldn't it?" the cloak dude responded, sneering. Papyrus leaned over, "BECAUSE... UH... WE'LL BEAT YOU UP... IF YOU DON'T?" Papyrus stammered. "Go ahead and try to, asshole, your presence here has already alerted the others, you're outmatched!" the Depthsman spat. Papyrus stood, "VERY WELL! WE'LL FIND THEM OURSELVES, JERK!!" Papyrus yelled, and then stomped over to the door.

"Not so fast," a dark voice called from behind. Papyrus looked over, and saw about 15 of them, hovering with spells already ready to cast. "...AH CRAP," Papyrus backed up to the wall, his hands up. "You'll be coming with us, if you want to live another hour," they then slowly approached. But they were stopped by some kind of invisible barrier set up from Huawei, "...God damn it, flank them!" the leader of them called, who was revealed to be the green cloaked one as seen earlier. Papyrus grinned, "HA, YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE THAT EASY TO CAPTURE THE GREAT PAPYRUS?? WELL, YOU'RE WRONG!!" he taunted, running through the doorway.

When Papyrus went through, he felt a tingling sensation not too different from the pillars' own feeling. It made him queasy for a moment, but he looked around. To his left was a corridor comprised of floating green slabs that seemed to drip a very familiar green sludge, each leading to different doorways that were the same colour as the one he came out. To his right, was nothing? Huawei soon joined, "We don't have much time, Papyrus, and they're already deactivating that anti-warp I placed in their way," Huawei informed.

"RIGHT, CAN YOU SCAN THIS AREA??" Papyrus asked, walking slowly to the slab corridor. "Erm, my energy is quite low, I need to rest on the magic a little," Huawei stated. "RIGHT!" Papyrus nodded, before jumping onto one slab. The slab reacted heavily under Papyrus's weight, going right down and then bouncing right back up. "WOAH!! THESE THINGS'RE JANKY!" Papyrus knelt and clutched onto it, as it adjusted back. "Be careful! They weren't meant to be stepped on. They're actually just... radioactive ruins left over from the construction of this place," Huawei recalled, leaning against the wall beside the doorway.

"...RADIOACTIVE????" Papyrus shrieked, immediately standing up. "Uhm, I really should've explained this earlier in that forest, but don't worry I think, you're not reacting so... you Monsters may actually not be affected," Huawei rectified. "OH!! WELL, THAT'S GOOD!" Papyrus began hopping across the several slabs, them still moving around. Huawei would back away, to the right wall that Papyrus saw before. Papyrus finally made it to one of the doorways, "HEY! ARE YOU COMING?!" Papyrus asked. "I'll catch up, okay?" Huawei promised, before turning invisible. "...FINE, I TRUST YOU!!" Papyrus yelled, before jumping through the doorway.

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