The Great Conclusion...Part 2

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The staff blasted Papyrus out of the world, in the grand abyss. He looked daringly at the abyss, and it looked back. It didn't take long for Papyrus's voyage to end, and his destination to be in the air. With some quick thinking, he created a platform out of magic beneath his feet, above the crater of vast nothing. All he could see was the massive outline of a tyrant, and their sword sparking in hatred.

"So you've returned? Just one defeat wasn't enough for you... was it?" the King's thunderous voice echoed.


"Bahaha! You fool. Your actions have only done nothing but prove you an imbecile, and your idiocy will not be mistaken for courage, BRAVERY, or anything else. You, and only you, are retarding your own freedom," the King mocked, pointing back with his gigantic sword, revealing a pale fist behind it, with a kind of mark.

Papyrus just stood, before scowling, "WELL... I SUPPOSE YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE. I WISH I COULD HAVE DONE THIS MY WAY... THE GOOD WAY... BUT I KNOW YOU WILL NEVER LISTEN TO ME! SO... HAVE AT IT THEN! I DO NOT BOW DOWN TO SUCH LIARS!!" he challenged, slamming his fist to his own side.

From the dreaded air felt alone, Papyrus could not mistake a wide grin on the King's obscure face, "Then say none more, mortal," he taunted, before retracting his sword away back into the abyss. Papyrus stood and stared daggers at the King, "YOU FIRST," he muttered, clutching his staff with both hands.

The King spun his sword, swerving in the vast air, before crashing it down into Papyrus's platform almost instantly, annihilating the platform itself. Looking around, the King did not see any trace of the skeleton. "Ha ha! That was just pathetic!" the King bellowed. "BUT WAS IT?!" Papyrus called out from behind the King, on a bone he had summoned, delivering a massive bolt of energy from his staff into the King. The King just turned around, spinning the sword with him into Papyrus. Papyrus quickly launched himself with another bone, twirling through the air, before summoning another platform that he stood on. "Now you're just prolonging your own pitiful fate," the King spat. Papyrus clamped the staff onto the floor, as a spark emitted and spawned several copies of Papyrus and the platform, scattered around the King. The King just chuckled, before a massive wave of energy shot out of the middle of his hand and at all the copies. "AGH!" Papyrus yelled as he was struck, and sent off of his platform. He materialised a bone quickly, however, and landed onto it, clutching his chest and gasping. "Your stolen wizardry won't illude me, magician," the King laughed, as he went to strike his sword into Papyrus again. But Papyrus shot his hand out, "THEN HOW ABOUT I USE SOME OF MY OWN!!" he announced, a massive bone shooting from the abyss and into the King's arm. Even that bone, however, was completely indifferent, and the King only flinched with it cracking inside. "...DAMN IT!!" Papyrus cried, before darting off of the bone as the sword crushed it with ease. Papyrus put the staff to his body, and teleported away to a different platform, cracking his leg as he landed badly from the velocity, "NYEH... AGGH!!" he held his leg, looking at the King.

"All of that... just for a single flinch, ha," the King commented, preparing his sword again to finally strike down Papyrus... only to just... stop. Papyrus's eyes narrowed, "UH...?" he stopped holding his leg, healing the injury with the staff slowly. The King looked at his arm, the bone still in it, "...No... NO!" the King then, urgently, unimpaled his arm from the bone and threw it away. "...DID I JUST NEED TO THROW A SINGLE BONE...?" Papyrus commented, standing up.

To see this mighty titan writhe would be... curious. The King clutched his arm, almost urgently trying to heal it, "YOU... YOU... NO!" the King could barely stand, dropping the sword. Papyrus then summoned a bone and looked at it, noticing something odd. It seemed to be moving, shifting around even, as if there was something in it. Papyrus broke it open with the King's groans in the background, as a strange liquid secreted from inside, splatting on the floor...


Papyrus then looked back to the King, with a dazed expression, pondering deeply, "...STAFF... WHAT IS TRULY GOING ON...?" Papyrus murmured, as he clutched the staff tight. The staff's crystal emanated a sharp glow, Papyrus's eyes illuminated in orange...

The phone call, his dreams, the choices and Sans. It all made sense to him, as he peered at his tattered home. Trees had collapsed, homes had been demolished and the townsfolk were nothing short of insane, dead and vanquished. It was only sorrow that Papyrus could've possibly made out, the sorrow from himself, and the people he once called his own. That was when he saw his battered brother with a pirate's walk, on the roof of his favourite ruined bar.

Papyrus's tears ran away the glow, returning back to the fallen King, who had slumped away into the grand abyss with nothing more than the echoing wails of a tormented soul. The mucus had disintegrated from the platform, as if the magic itself destroyed it. Papyrus could not even muster a word, kneeling and clutching his scarf with failure, the crying guardsman.

"Papyrus," a voice called behind him. Papyrus quickly turned, uncovering his watery eyes. Huawei stood on his platform, their hand on his shoulder, "It's okay... it's okay..." he assured, before wrapping their arms around his chest and hugging him. "BUT... THEY..." Papyrus wheezed, before Huawei covered Papyrus's mouth with their paw, "There's someone here for you..." Huawei announced to him gently, before taking his arms off.

Turning around... Papyrus's eyes cleared and his mind had become clear. Through the vast depths of the Depths and the void's void voice, atop the glowing orange platform, Papyrus saw an old friend...

They waved with a distinct sunny hand, their face a beaming smile. "...HUMAN... THERE YOU ARE..." Papyrus then grinned, standing up. The Human walked to Papyrus, clasping their arms around his chest as Papyrus knelt and did the same. Huawei soon joined, hugging the both of them, "The first time I met a Human too... yet I've seen so many of them," he chuckled.

And there the trio lay, united, and about time.

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