Versus the New Evil - Part 3

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(Dakotas POV)

"Come on out." Ryan called as we approached the back of the truck. Someone in a military uniform, mask and hat climbed out of the truck and walked to the back and just stood there. "Okay dude. Let's not make this harder than it has to be. Just give up." The person ripped the hat and mask of their face to reveal none other than Grey, who we all thought was dead.

"What the hell?" I said

"Grey?" Ryan asked.

"That's right back from the dead." She snapped.

"I don't know how you survived, but you're outmatched." Ryan tried to stay composed. "So just be a nice little villain and surrender." She smirked, her face began to glow orange and red, in a matter of seconds she was covered in ooze and shifted into a smaller version of the clawboon monster we had already defeated. She roared once swinging her claws, Spyder and Harris taking most of the hit falling on top of crates and boxes, I took the very end of it so I ended up sliding across the floor, banging my shoulder and a shelf and then hitting the wall, but otherwise I was fine,

"How are you doing that?" Ryan asks.

"Hm, just a happy little accident after you let me fall in clawboons ooze." She said after shifting back to look like a human.

"I tried to save you." Ryan said as I painfully got back up.

"You failed." Grey snapped.

"Oh shut it." I had picked myself back up and ran back to the two brothers and Grey. "I have replayed that moment in my head over, and over again. You held onto me, you let go of him and held on to me. Either you knew what would happen to you if you fell or you were just trying to take me with you."

"Maybe it's both." Grey smirks. "I could snap all of in half with my claws but Ryan, I'm going to take my time with you."

"Your mistake." He sent two gravity pucks her way, though they had zero affect.

"This fight ends differently Ryan." she said storming towards both of us. She shoved me down with one hand, but probably because of her ooze upgrade, she shoved me all the way back to the wall from before. When I looked up, Grey had Ryan in the air either my his neck or shirt I couldn't really tell.

"Get off of him!" Mark yelled, attempting to tase her, with an actual weapon. It had not affect. She threw Ryan to the cement floor and turned to Mark, 

"Fine you first." She said, hitting him across the face with a metal tube. 

"Nobody move!" A voice called from outside the barn as some headlights shined from afar. "We know you have the ooze!" I looked over my shoulder, making sure Harris and Spyder were okay before I ran forward to Ryan, who was checking on his brother,

"The military is here we have to go." I said, helping Mark up.

"This is just the beginning," Grey says before changing back into a monster and pushing the truck out of the barn. Ryan and I ran over to Harris and Spyder, and the five of us slipped out the back door, so Mech-X4 could step on us to avoid being seen by the military.


"I can't believe it. Grey's back." Ryan said, as the two of entered med-bay with the rest of the team after he had piloted the robot back to the hanger. 

"With powers." Harris adds shoving two ice packs into our hands.

"Yeah, how did that happen?" Ryan asks, passing me an ice pack.

"You got dunked into the ooze too." Mark says, "it just made you into an uncontrollable, like slobbering, gross, really murdery..."

"Okay, we get it, we get it." Harris cut him off. "You know, she did fall into the ooze that was electrified by our x-weapon, that could of changed the monster making properties. Which would explain why the robot couldn't find her. I was scanning for a human. I'll bet at the molecular-" 

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