Chpt-1. The past

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When The world was what seemed to be ending.  Pokémon screaming, shouting, crying, in terror as a meteor their impending doom became more and more visible with each second.    3 yr old Shank, the bright yellow pichu much smaller than the average pichu Is over at a destroyed home playing in the rubble.  Shank's parents scream his name hoping he would come.


Ampharos- "Shank please come here before it's too late."

But Shank thought they were just playing with him after all he was still very young. Before it was too late Shank's parents jumped out of the underground shelter and leaped at Shank as they tried to reach the shelter they put Shank in and quickly sent him down   That was the last Shank ever saw his parents.

A few days later————— once everything stopped shaking pokemon began to exit the shelters only to be cut off halfway back up.  The meteor was so powerful It dug halfway into the shelter's lift Limiting the Pokémon's ability to get out. Luckily some flying Pokémon were safe still and were able to escort everyone out safely.                 Everyone seemed fine and they were glad that it was over, all except for one Pokémon. A certain Pikachu sits next to where he last saw his parents make their sacrifice shaking with anger and sadness shank let out a devastating cry  as he is now alone with only his newborn sister left for the family
Shank Constantly tried to apologize to his parents "It's all my fault if I had just listened you would still be here You never would've left had I just listened" he cried out  covered with tears he noticed his tears began to dry fast but too fast
"Something's not right," he said. He noticed a decently sized stone next to him. (It looks burnt) shank thought to himself After Examining the stone, he decided to try and touch it.

"OWWW! Cried Shank It burnt me." Staring at his burnt paw in pain as he examined his paw closely he was certain he saw a stream of red and orange colors going down his paw but the shrugged it off as his imagination
"Well, I guess it's all up to me now eh?  Now I'm the one who has to take care of you. August  I-I don't know if I can do it though what if I mess up again" he mumbled. Not knowing what to think.

"I guess I'll just have to go with my gut" then he spoke as he started to regain his balance and control over his body he notices the world doesn't look like it was before.  The lush green was gone, the mountain tops crumbled, and the ponds were all dried up and empty, this was where all hope was said to be lost.

", no no no no There's gotta be something somewhere else". Shank yelled out to the rest of the Pokémon there, still in shock while starting to panic a little.    

"But how do we know" -an old elderly voice spoke from the crowd. "What if there isn't anything else and this is truly the end then what do we do".   Shank sees as the elderly Umbreon regains balance on land.

"Then we...... we'll...... I don't know       Huh what was that?    I said I don't know!" Shank yelled in response frustrated while still shocked at the sight "If you don't believe me then fine but I'm going to find a new place and I'm going to prove that there is still a chance for us" he cried out to the crowd
The crowd was silent for a while shank stared in disbelief as the crowd started to panic yet again As if What he said meant nothing to them.
he. Walked away with his sister in hand in search of a place to stay knowing the shelters and homes have been destroyed and they weren't safe to stay in anymore he dragged his sister through the newly desert-like land, nearly passing out from the heat stroke. After a few hours of walking, he finally reached his limit and collapsed onto the ground.

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