Chapter 4 The dream really begins

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                   Shank and his friends are making their way towards the mountain not knowing they were being followed by someone unknown to them ignoring all obstacles. They rushed towards their destination with huge hope to find something. Useful

Shank: "cmon we're almost there just a little farther"

Solar:(panting) "can't we please take a break I'm dying running in this heat"

Shank: "Fine I guess we can take a break I don't wanna be paying any medical bills anytime soon"

Solar: "you will be soon! If you keep rushing up ahead like that how do you even still have the energy to run still"

Shank: "I'm never paying medical bills I refuse secondly don't ask me I just do I feel like I could run for days maybe even weeks"

  ???: "Hey    What do you think you're doing here"

An Arcanine suddenly shows up with a fearsome growl and an angry look on his face 

Shank: "We're on our way towards that mountain top you wouldn't happen to be able to help us there would you" my eyes lit up as I shifted to my left. Avoiding the giant flamethrower headed in my direction"

Arcanine:  "Absolutely not" the arcanine shouted loud as he could ready for a fight

Shank: "You looking to fight. Bring it on". I challenged the arcanine not knowing what I was getting into

The arcanine growled and release an ember attack towards the ground leaving scorching embers all over the ground

Shank: (smart move covering the ground with ember will make this a more difficult battle than I thought now I have to watch where I'm jumping)

Arcanine:  "You really think you can beat me small fry"

I really hated when others made fun of my unusual height for a Pikachu 

Shank:  "don't underestimate me just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak". (Saying that made me feel a lot better for some reason)

Arcanine: "Your really stubborn aren't ya" he spoke as he charged up a huge flamethrower

I snapped to the right just barely dodging due to my limited movement as the ember sat there still burning With limited space I had to think of a way to get around

Solar: "Shank Use your speed you were running so fast earlier why don't you do it now"

Shank: (that's a good idea why didn't I thank of that I could use quick attack to speed past the little embers littered across the floor)

I saw the Arcanine staring at me with a nasty grin as he began to use flame charge

I couldn't dodge away in time taking the hit directly to the face I expect to be in a lot of pain however I barely felt a thing it was weird that should've really hurt but it didn't I question why

Shank: "so you fight very hostile I can clearly tell two can play at that game".  I charged at him with an electrifying volt tackle.   Completely aware of how this would damage me it was worth it to tire out the Arcanine to slow him down. He managed to dodge taking slight damage as a few sparks still managed to hit him in crossfire he may not have taken the full attack but at least he got hit by something. 

Arcanine:  "you're a fast one I'll give you that but just not enough" he charged up a flamethrower and shot it at me.   I immediately countered using thunderbolt canceling out both attacks. Then charged an electro ball directly after the collision so I was hidden in the smoke  I hurled the ball of electricity in the same direction scoring a direct strike into his chest. It was clear he felt the elector ball but still got up ready for the next move   The Arcanine immediately shot a huge fire blast at me      I managed to avoid it without taking the hit directly however I didn't notice he was charging up a flamethrower embedding the fire blast I had no choice but to take the hit I was submerged in flames I could feel the heat intensifying as the flames grew stronger it hurt for sure but it felt a lot weaker than it should've been. 

The Arcanine took notice of my recovery and stared in shock I wanted to finish this quickly so I hurled an electro ball at him and immediately shot the ball with thunderbolt. Aiding a big smoke screen to form then I charged at the Arcanine with volt tackle by the time he realized it was too late for him to avoid it he took the full hit clearly he was weakened however the attack drained me of my energy as well however I wasn't about to give up I used charged up electricity and released it into multiple directions using discharge the Arcanine took two full thunderbolts and eventually fell down exhausted the battle was over and I had won

I looked over at my friends before falling down as-well exhausted from battling with such power
Solar: "Shank wake up it's going to be dark out soon we need to get out of here cmon wake up".

Shank:  "I'm up now" still exhausted from the fight but I had to push that aside for now till we found a good place to stay the rest of the night at 
"We need to find a place to stay for the night we're not going to make it there before dark and that Arcanine won't be too happy when he wakes up. Let's head toward the dead forest we should be able to stay there under the shade of the dead trees"

They all shook their head and agreed to go with Shank.  However just before we got into the first Solar called out. "SHADOW BALL DEAD AHEAD" there was a shadow ball headed straight towards us everyone managed to avoid it except for me just barely I hit myself right in the leg dealing great damage to my leg

Shank: "it's obvious now that these attacks are no mere coincidence something or someone is clearly trying to sabotage us but for what reason and who could it be"

Solar: "forget that for right now we need to hide somewhere for the night so we can finish our trip to the mountain range in the morning"

I nodded in full agreement after all that happened today a rest would be very much appreciated we eventually found a small cave nearby we made a fire with the twigs Rein had brought along and we all had some of the parries packed along with us as well still no sign of fresh soil to start plant life again but we'll find some eventually I know we will!


This chapter took me not too long to think of me and pika girl already had it planned out and everything all that was left was to write it. So here it is. Near the start of the chapter the medical bill joke was from a friend on discord tel me paying medical bills was his biggest nightmare ever anyways I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

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