A new hope chapter 8

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Shanks pov

(I opened my eyes yet again. Not to see the dark that once consumed my thoughts but to see my self back in the real world my sister and my friends were all there as-well I had finally woke Up I can't believe it)

Shank "I'm back.... I'm back in the real world!!"

Shank " I should probably be quiet I don't think my friends would like to wake up to my screaming-"

Shank "I wonder what happened while I was zoned out? I hope I didn't startle them too much"

*August wakes up*
August "S-Shank? Oh thank god your okay!"

Shank "Oh hey didn't know you were up already."

August "I actually just woke up"

Shank "Ohhhh that explains it-"

*Shank walks out of the cave*
Shank "The sun is brighter than ever today. I guess that means we should probably start making progress on our goal. I mean the entire reason we're out here adventuring is to find a part of the world that is still living and maybe we could help the world recover with it"

Rein "Hey Shank I see you finally woke up. How was your nap?"

Shank "It was weird"

Solar "Rein quite bugging the guy he literally just woke up!"

Rein "Fine"

*Rein returns to the cave Leaving Shank there wondering when they should leave to continue their journey."

*Shank enters the cave to tell the others*

Shank "Ok guys I've decided that today we continue our journey we won't make any progress if we stay here for much longer"

Rein "About time it was getting boring here anyways"

Solar "Sounds good to me Shank we've got plenty of berries for the trip aswell"

Shank "When did we get all these berries?"

Solar "Rein found a sweet spot with some berry bushes and trees still living. We stayed and gathered the berries while you were knocked -out"

Shank "Sweet we'll leave in about an hour make sure your all prepared and ready"

August " Ok I'm happy we're finally continuing the adventure I wonder what else we'll find,and maybe who else we'll meet"

Rein "As long as we don't meet those 3 idiots that tried to attack us a few days ago I really don't care"

Shank: "That is true I sure hope they don't bother us again"

August: "Enough chit chat let's get going"

Shank: "alright alright I'm coming"

Narrator: Shank and the others continued their journey now they leave their home town and begin exploring a small town called "natures grace"  this town is home to many grass and water type Pokémon  it used to be the most beautiful town in the region  due to its abundance of grass and flowers and a huge supply of water it was a paradise to grass and water Pokémon      Not so much to fire and dark types    However some surprisingly made themselves at home in this terrain     We now see Shank and the others entering the town  in search of other survivors

Solar: "I remember this place  it used to be so pretty now it's scorched and sad it's a shame a real shame"

Shank: "I wonder if there is anyone still here"

Solar: " The Pokémon that lived here are loyal to their home and would do anything to stay it is possibly that we may find 1 or 2 Pokémon still here hidden away"

Rein: "Well we might as-well get a move on then they won't come to us that easily"

August: "I'm excited to meet new people.  Are they nice Solar?"

Solar: "Oh their very nice people   Many grass and water pokemon lived here but they were welcome to any type  it didn't matter if you were a fire type electric type or any other type   You were welcome here I believe they housed a flareon and an Umbreon here before the meteor"

Shank: "What are those?"

Solar: "you know what an eevee is right?"

Shank: "Yeah?"

Solar: "Well an eevee has multiple evolutionary forms and flareon and Umbreon are two of them     Flareon is a fire type and Umbreon is a dark type"

Shank: "Ohhhhh  that sounds very cool I wanna see!"

Rein: "You guys coming or not?!"

Rein had already started exploring the town

Shank: "Ahhh wait for us!!"

August: "Rein cmon wait up!!!"

Solar: "I'm not even surprised"

Eventually they all caught up with Rein who was staring at a bunch of rubble

Rein: "This place looks trashed"

Solar: "Here they used wood and leaves to create little homes for the Pokémon.   This must be the rubble leftover from those homes"

Shank: "That's really cool  I wish I got to see it before it was destroyed"

Solar: "It certainly was a beautiful sight"

Shank: "Let's go over this way I see a house still standing  maybe there's someone there"

Solar: "Maybe let's go check it out."

Hey guys sorry for the huge delay on this chapter I've been stuck dealing with school but I'm back now and I'm writing as the days go by I promise I will finish this story eventually so please stay till the end  and I hope you enjoyed!!

Word count  835

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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