Chapter 6: a "shocking" Discovery

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daylight struck the sun showed its fiery self as it sends heat and light through the floor we start this day off with a certain pich........I MEAN Pikachu who has awoken quite early today why could that be?

Shank: "Finally now is my chance I've awaited this moment all night and it's finally here"

Shank quickly jumped in the middle of where all his friends were asleep and began to charge electricity not enough to harm but enough that they could be woken up with a jump as he finished charging up his electricity he released it all into a weak discharge move Immediately after using the move Shank ran and hid behind a rock using his height to his advantage as everyone jumped off the ground still staticky from the electricity they knew exactly who had caused the discharge as soon as they noticed he was gone

SHANK! Rein yelled out

they were all mad but nobody knew where he was, that was until a certain shiny mareep woke up confused as to why everyone was so mad

August: "Why do you guys look so pissed off?"

Rein: "Shank woke us up by electrocuting us!"

August looked down at her cotton wool body and noticed the sparks flying from it and sighed

A/N (just for those who may not know or understand August wasn't affected because a mareep is an electric type pokemon Ok Back to the story)

August took a look around before noticing a few couple uncontrollable sparks coming from behind a large rock in the cave

August immediately reached over and lifted Shank off the floor by his tail

Shank: "Hey no fair I'm the older sibling!"

Shank: "Put me down now"

August refused

Shank: "August put me down please I don't like being held upside down"

August: "Fine"

August slowly lowered the tiny Pikachu to the ground and shortly after he took a faceplant into the ground after being a bit lightheaded because he was upside down

August: "Are you ok Shank!?"

Shank: "Never felt better," he said his voice muffled by the floor

Rein and Solar then walked in and saw August With Shank'

Rein immediately stormed over to grab Shank

But Shank saw her coming and instead, he made a run for it out the cave entrance



August and Solar both began to laugh at the name "coral breath"

Rein began to chase after Shank but instead of catching him things took a slight turn

( Shanks POV)

I was having fun this morning and was running away from Rein as she chased after me a little while later I ended up losing here but accidentally traveled into a pit hole known as the venomous ditch

it gets its name because it is home to millions of poison-type pokemon but not any of them are all that friendly as I tried to carefully leave the hole I noticed that my only exit had just been blocked off by a colony of Amoonguss they didn't seem willing to let me leave I turned around only to be face to face with a very large beedrill i tried to run from the beedrill but was held still by a bunch of other poison types pokemon the beedrill began to ask me questions

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