Chpt 5 Never See It The Same

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(Shanks. POV)

(Last night was very eventful I had to fight with an angry and rude Arcanine, of course, he just had to make fun of my height I ended up winning that battle in the end. Although I still have no idea why I didn't feel any of his fire-type attacks, it's like they were defective?)

(In the morning)
(Still Shank's POV)
( daylight finally sprung and for the first time ever I was the first to wake up. Looking around at my team they all looked like they weren't going to wake up for another few hours -_-)

Shank: "I'll let them sleep for another hour if they aren't awake I'll make sure they wake up"(electricity flowing through the red circles on his cheeks)
I took a quick look at the mountain we were heading towards I don't know why but it looked like it was only half of a mountain left. Maybe it was affected by the meteor but only half of it was destroyed.

(But that's just a theory a game Theo-)

But that doesn't change our intent to search it for valuable things like berries, and, plants. If there were any plants on that mountain we would surely be planting berry bushes there to help bring the land back to its original state, however as I said before we need a sign that plant life can still survive before we plant the seeds we have.

Shank: "I'm gonna travel around what used to be a forest (I hope) and see if there are any berries around. If you don't wake up by then your all getting shocked in your sleep"

I began to walk through the field of dead trees and the scorched ground. And of course, the sun just had to choose today to hate me.

"Your very helpful to my success you stupid fireball in the air. Thank you so much for trying to burn through my fur and bone during a time like this very helpful"
(30 seconds later)
Shank: "why was I yelling at the sun again?"
The thought passed by my head as I noticed a few Oran berries laying just up ahead there were only five but it was better than nothing. I quickly scurried on over and grabbed each berry and made my way back to the cave,........ with minor difficulties on the account of I didn't  bring a bag or leaf so I couldn't see a thing while holding the berries.
Shank: "curse my tiny damn body I  wonder how short I was as a Pichu now could anybody even see me back then. I should just forget that thought, it makes me feel uncomfortable".

I made it back to the cave eventually

Shank: "finally after running into trees, dropping the berries, tripping on twigs, roots, and branches I've made it back to the camp and it only took me........... 3 hours."  
I looked up to see everyone awake wondering where the heck I was before I could even walk into the cave August leaped at me and Solar started questioning me immediately, however, the only thought I had in mind was my  disappointment  that I didn't get to shock then (internal crying).

Solar: "Earth to small fry"

Shank: "Who the heck you calling small fry, You're tiny too!"

Solar: "not as short as you especially when you're supposed to be much taller hehe"

Shank: "I oughta shock the hell outta you "

Solar: "you wouldn't do that to your friend"

Shank: "OH I definitely would"


Shank: "Relax I just found five Oran berries but I was too ......"
"I'm not gonna say it"
"I was too you know what to see over the stack so I may have run into multiple trees. Tripped over multiple branches, and dropped the berry stack. No big deal though it only took me three cruel hours to get back"

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