Chpr 2. A rather rude awakening

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         POV.  Shank

???- "Hey wake up"
"I said wake up!
WAKE UP" (slap)

???: "SHHHHH would you shut up it's the middle of the night"

Shank: "I'm well aware it's the middle of the night but I just had a pretty rude alarm clock I woke up to see a complete stranger. AND IM IN A HOUSE I DONT KNOW WHERE IS HOW Else would I react"

???- "Just shut up already and I can answer your questions"

Shank: "Fine! Now, who are you?"

???- "my name is"......

???- "Rein? What's with all the ruckus down here"

Rein- "blame him for the noise he's the one freaking out here!"

Shank- "I don't even know where I am! How can you blame me?!"

???- "Okay I think we all should just calm down and explain what's going on"

???- "My name is Solar the Pansage and she is Rein the Greninja "

Shank- "Okay nice to meet both of you. Now can you tell me where am? Why am I here? and....(then realization hit me) WHERE'S AUGUST!?"

Solar- "Relax she's just in the other room asleep  now what were you going to say?"

Shank- "Right where am I and why am I here"

Solar-  "You're here because we found you completely out cold on the ground a while after the meteor hit"


Solar- "We were looking around at all the damages that were caused when he heard a big thud nearby"

Rein-  "Hey Solar"
"There's two Pokémon over here one passed out the other asleep "

Solar- "seriously?!"   Rushing over to see if it were true
"oh my Arceus you weren't joking "

A shiny mareep and a .... ("Well we couldn't tell if you were a Pichu or a Pikachu judging from your height" )  lay on the hard rocky ground in the middle of nowhere.
Solar- "let's get them back to the cave until they wake up"

Rein- "What we're taking them with us Why!?"

Solar- "what do you mean why? Look at them we can't just leave them here"

Rein- mumbling ..."fine."
(Present time)

Solar- "so we brought you guys here until you woke up"

Shank- "oh...I get it now sorry for yelling"

Solar- "Don't be it doesn't bother anyone here at all. Though I would like to ask what were you doing all alone in the middle of nowhere"?

Shank- "after the meteor crashed our safe place was nearly halfway destroyed after the collision the rest of my town gave in and lost hope so I decided to bring upon myself to adventure far out until I find proof there is still a chance at survival out there and I won't give up until I've searched every part of the world. .........I'll do it for my parents"

Solar- "what happened to your parents if you don't mind me asking"

Shank- "no I don't mind".

"Before the meteor collided with the world mere moments before my parents begged me to enter the safety bunker with them but my dumb self just thought this was all a game they rushed over to grab me throwing me into the safety of the bunker but ............they couldn't join me in time"

Solar "sorry for your loss Shank"

*Rein just sits there in silence*

Sorry about the chapters being a bit short but I will make up for their length with the chapter count this is still my first story so you can't expect too much but don't expect it to be horrible as I've mentioned I'm working with another author so we can have faith in the first story I've created cya

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