Chapter 3 Dreams Do Come True

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(Present day)

After a few years of living with Solar and Rein Shank is now finally almost 15 years old and now feels confident to set out on his lifelong quest he's had since the age of 3

Shank: "After a long wait I'm finally ready to leave and find new signs of life
(Although my question stands will Solar or Rein come along?)"
"I will ask them on the way out ....."

Solar: "Hey Shank where are you going?"

Shank: "I've decided to set out on my journey. Now that I and August are much older I felt it was time for us to leave, I was gonna ask if you and Rein would follow along with us we could really use your help?!"

Solar: "Well I dunno I'd have to think about it. Neither I nor Rein have really traveled far from our home so it's a bit uncomfortable to think about leaving it all the sudden now."

Shank: "I understand Take your time to think about it I won't rush you You don't have to come if you don't want to"

Solar: "let me talk to Rein about it first then I'll decide whether or not to tag along with you"

Shank:("I watched as he left the room to talk to Rein I had hoped they would say yes but something tells me they want to say no")
(POV Rein)
Shank: "I was gonna ask if you and Rein wanted to come with me"

Rein: "(go with them?!!) Hmmm. It doesn't sound too bad actually it'd give me a reason to leave this place and have fun for a change"

(POV Solar)
I left the room to go talk about it with Rein but to my surprise, she was already wanting to go

Rein: "No need to ask I'm already in"

Solar: "You were eavesdropping weren't you"

Rein: "Yyyyyep"

Solar: "Of course well If it's okay with you I guess we can leave alright pack some things we'll need for the trip judging how Shank hasn't made any progress or even knows where to look I'm not sure this will be a short trip And grab those berry seeds we have stored in the emergency locker If we find soil I bet we could use the fresh soil to plant the seeds and maybe we can help bring the life back to the world"

Rein: "Way ahead of ya"
As she grabbed a rolled-up dead leaf with a bunch of seeds and berries inside"

Solar: "I'll go tell Shank that we're going to join him in this little adventure of his"

(Shanks POV)

Solar: "Shank we've decided that we will follow along with you two"

Shank: "Really! Yes that's great thank you so much"
I could tell by the look on the Pansage's face that he wasn't too sure about this but I was too overjoyed to process that

I yelled in an excited tone "I'll go tell August the good news then"

Solar: "Yeah you do that"......

Rein: "I'm ready to go now Solar I even packed a few extra things to help out during the journeys including a few twigs to make a fire with so we have light at dark"

Meanwhile, as everyone was getting ready to leave they didn't seem to notice A shadowy figure was watching them and spying on them. A couple of minutes later the squad heard a weird noise that kinda sounded like a feint whistle that's when they all immediately ran outside of the cave in fright.

Shank: (We all stood outside as we gazed at the dead tree falling down onto the cave entrance closing in the only way in or out of the cave as it fell crashing down I noticed a small burn on the end of the trunk). "That was no accident" I yelled aloud to the others. "As the tree fell I saw a small burn on the end of the trunk as if someone meant to break the tree down"

Solar: "Well how can we know for sure it could have been an effect of the meteor".

Shank: "No. the meteor took place in the opposite direction of the burn mark plus if that were the damage of the meteor the tree would've fallen a long time ago
That was definitely another pokemon's doing"

Rein: "Whatever who cares what's done is down let's just get a move on instead of just sitting here staring at some dead tree the longer we wait the closer nightfall is and we have few berries left over and still not a single sight of soil to plant seeds in so let's hurry along and leave while we can still see clearly"

Shank: "Your right we shouldn't waste too much time thinking about this we'll discuss it later for now let's get going which direction should we head in"
As I said that a little shiny Mareep spoke up from behind me

August: "I think we should head towards those mountains chances are the meteor had the least effect on them with how tall they are"

At first, I nodded in disagreement but then remember the mountains back home were crumbled and destroyed so to see this mountaintop still standing proves that August might have a point

Shank: "Alright then it's settled we head towards the mountain first if we don't find anything there we can scout the area for a better look at our surroundings sound good to all of you".

Everyone then nodded in agreement August was happy she was helpful at the very start of the journey

Shank: "once we reach the mountaintop we'll scavenge the area as well, maybe some Pokémon who may have evacuated the mountain left stuff there that we could use"

Nodding in agreement they all started toward the mountain little did they know they were being watched the whole time......


Hello everybody I hope you are all having a fantastic day as I was really eager to make this chapter since it nears around 945 words much longer than the other chapters I hope you are all enjoying the story so far as I'm trying my best and working with my partner PikaGirl. We are making big progress and have our plans for the next few chapters already laid out we just need time to draft our thoughts and we'll make it real I'm also accepting requests from others if you want a character added in or have an idea for the next chapter please drop your idea in the comments with details on the scene or characters for example. What happens to your idea? What gender is your character what's their favorite thing to do what Pokémon are they? I and pika girl will review your request and think about if we should add it. It doesn't matter how old your comment is or if I have made a lot more chapters after this one once all you have to do is leave an idea here and if I'm in let's say chapter 7. Your comment will instead of being here be used in chapter 8. This is just an example I'm not actually in chapter 7 or 8 just yet

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