06 || The shrinking Potion

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True to his word, Malfoy didn't show up to classes, leaving me with a very peaceful few days. After my last lesson of the day on Wednesday, I was set to go to the library and find a cozy corner to read in.

"Cassie!" I heard someone shout from behind me. "Cassie! Wait up!"

I turned around to see Pansy running up behind me. I chucked when she stopped and started panting to regain her breath.

"Is everything ok?" I asked, still chuckling lightly.

"I have a huge essay that I need to write for divination tomorrow, I had put it off because it's divination and forgotten." She was still gasping slightly. "And that means I can't take Draco the school work he missed today."

I sighed, knowing exactly where she was going with it.

"Fine," I grumbled, before she got those annoying puppy dog eyes out. "But you really owe me."

She beamed at me, happily handing over a load of notes from all our lessons today.

"So there's Charms and Transfiguration and you might have to stay a little while to go over it with him." I started shoving everything in my bag. "And you took ancient runes with him as well, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed

"Ok, great. You'll be able to go over that stuff with him then." She said, smiling. "I have to go now, good luck!"

"I'll need it." I mumbled. There goes my relaxing evening in the Library.

I headed up to the medical wing, stopping at the kitchens for some food.

Malfoy was sitting up and reading a book when I walked in, completely oblivious to the outside world. He even looked peaceful.

I placed down a green apple I had nicked for him, and sat down in the chair.

"What are you doing here? Where's Pansy?" He asked, putting his book away and frowning at me.

"Pansy has an essay to write, so she sent me to give you today's lessons," I sighed, already predicting his answer.

"Great. You wont even know what you're talking about and it'll mess up my perfect grades." Yup, there it was.

"Well, my perfect grades disagree," I said, pulling out the sheets of parchment that Pansy had stuffed in my hands. "Where do you want to start?"

I decided the quicker I get this over with, the better.

"Just give me a quick overview and i'll do the rest myself. The less time I have to spend with you the better." He replied, pulling a few sheets towards him, careful not to touch me.

"Ok, well in ancient runes we started looking at the alphabet and we made it to letter F. These are my own notes I made. I do expect them back." I handed over my own neatly written notes, hoping it wouldn't be the last time I saw them.

"And in charms we started with the revealing charm," I indicated to the notes Malfoy was holding. "The incantation is Revelio but we haven't started casting it yet, you'll only need to go over the notes."

"Finally, in Transfiguration we started theory on turning a dinner plate into a mushroom." I said, getting up, ready to leave. "All you need to do is read and copy the notes."

"Right, you can go now." He dismissed me.

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief. Not even a thank you. I didn't need to come up here and give him the work. It was time out of relaxing in the library that i was giving up.

I stalked out of the room. It would be no use trying to argue.


Malfoy showed up to class when the Slytherins and Gryffindors were halfway through double Potions Thursday morning. He swaggered into the dungeon, his right arm covered in bandages and bound up in a sling, acting as though he were the heroic survivor of some dreadful battle.

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