09|| Halloween Night

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The Halloween feast was magnificent with floating pumpkins replacing the normal floating candles, great big spiderwebs hung down from the beams with realistic but fake spiders littering them and skeletons replaced all the suit of armours. The tables had been filled with spooky treats and haunting music filled the air. Students of all houses sat on different tables so since we had the Slytherin party tonight, Ophelia and I joined Hermione who sat with Harry and Ron.

We chatted amicably, admiring the cloud of fluttering bats and comparing Hogsmeade visits. Hermione and Ron had spent most of it exploring the different shops and buying sweets while Ophelia, who had been with Neville, had spent most of it in The Three Broomsticks chatting over warm butterbeer before neville bought her some chocolate frogs in Honeydukes.

"That's so adorable!" Hermione exclaimed. We all exchanged smiles and I squeezed Ophelia's hand. The food finally disappeared and entertainment was provided by the school ghosts. They popped out of the walls and tables to do a bit of formation gliding; Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost, had a great success with a reenactment of his own botched beheading but the bloody baron, the Slytherin school ghost was no where to be seen.

Malfoy after seeing me with the Gryffindors glared at me, hissing "You're just where you belong, with the mudbloods and bloodtraitors." Which promptly dampened my good mood.

"Maybe but it's better than hanging out with a stuck up prick like you and your little goons" I said pointedly at Crabbe and Goyle.

Glaring, Malfoy turned his attention to Harry, yelling through the crowed as we left "The Dementors send their love, Potter!"

I joined up with Pansy on the way back to the Slytherin common room who was desperate to start getting ready for the party tonight.

We sat around the dorm, helping each other with their makeup and dresses. I put the teeth lengthening charm on her teeth as she didn't trust herself to do it herself.

"And that'll last for 3 hours." I said putting my wand down.

So far my outfit was a simple tight black dress and thigh high boots with cat eyeliner but i hadn't yet put my cat accessories on.

However, before I could even turn to do so the 5th year prefect burst into our room.

"All students need to go to the Great hall," She said breathless but ready to rush off to the next dorm.

"What?" We all exclaimed.

"Wait - why?" I asked urgently.

"Sirius Black tried to break into the Gryffindor common room and attacked the portrait, the entire school has gone on lockdown while it is searched. We're all to sleep in the Great Hall tonight. Now I really need to round up the other years," and before we could say another word she had rushed out and across the corridor.

Wide-eyed, we all grabbed our wands and followed the flow of students heading towards the Great Hall.


Dumbledore had conjured us all squashy purple sleeping bags, in which Pansy, Theo, Blaise and I dragged towards a corner and set ourselves up into a little circle.

"How did he get in?" I wondered out loud while I made myself comfortable, "You can't apparate in or out the castle and there are Dementors surrounding the place."

"Maybe secret passages?" Theo said, "He went to school here, it's not hard to believe that he discovered a few."

"Surely, filch knows them all and has them all covered?" Blaise interjected. "Although, I suppose filch isn't the most reliable but still, the professors would know them too, they would be covered."

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