Chapter five

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Amayae's point of view

Unfortunately I had to return back to Charlotte since my job was looking for me with desperate tears.

So I didn't get to say goodbye to Klay like I hoped since he's been so busy. So we haven't spoken since the date it's not awkward or anything.

I just fear what Steph is gonna do to him.

"Well if it isn't miss Curry, welcome back we missed you." Tasha said and pulled me into a hug.

"Mmm I know you did." I pulled back." But I don't miss this hell hole one bit."

"Tell me about it. Kingston was asking for you." She told me and I let out a groan banging my head on the desk.

Kingston or should I say Isaiah, was a paediatrician attending. The man has been after me ever since I started at this hospital.

He knows I don't like him like that but he's convinced I'm finna be his wifey one day.

Don't get me wrong he's quite attractive male but I just can't see myself with him.

"And what? He needs to mind his business because he was the last thing on my mind?" I affirmed and she smirked.

"Oh yeah who's been on your mind then?"

I look up from my charts with a side eye.

"You're being noisy. But you know Klay?

She gasps covering her mouth." Ain't no way you're messing around with him GIRL—"

I shush her with a smile." Shut up, I can't risk people finding out and besides Steph will kill me if he does."

"Stuff that Nigga he doesn't control your life you can date whoever the fuck you want."

"I wish it was that easy." I sighed sadly and she shook her head.

"Don't go all soft on me now Curry, god will make a way."

"I know he will."

A white supremacist had came into the ER with a metal bar smack bang in the middle of his chest. He lost so much blood I was surprised he hadn't died.

The surgery went smoothly and now I was just stitching up the wounds.

He groggily rubbed his eyes." Who are you?"

"I'm Nurse Curry, I'll be your nurse today. Mr Atkins, you had a metal pipe in your chest which Dr Campbell successfully removed. The doctors advised that you do stay overnight so that we can monitor you in case any internal bleeding occurs." I informed him softly.

After telling him all this information he stares at me with a unreadable expression before drinking his water.

I was sensing a very bad vibe from this man so I was doing everything in my power to get those sutures done ASAP.

"You're a really pretty young lady." He randomly tells me and I decided to ignore his comment.

"Woah, why allow these black people into our country and they can't even be bloody thankful." He grumbled to himself most likely due to me ignoring his compliment.

It took everything in my power to not choke this man but I was not about to risk losing my job over some nut job.

I don't look up." Sir, just rest and try your best not to speak since it might hurt." I flashed him a fake smile.

He just smacks his lips and lays back in defeat grumbling underneath his breath.

As I continue stitching him up, suddenly he grabs my hand and tugs me closer to him. I try to escape his firm grip but he doesn't budge.

I look up into his eyes which were clear and they held no emotion it was like I was looking into a endless trance.

"Mr Atkins—"

"I killed those kids.  Those young black kids all over the news in Milwaukee that were missing. They're all dead now." He said in monotone  his face held no emotion as I crumbled.

I felt the tears brimming in my ears and soon they came down to my cheek like a water fountain.

Those poor kids. I can't even imagine what they were thinking probably missing their parents and wishing they had someone their to help them.

"You sick fuck. You're gonna rot in hell!" I hissed in exasperation and used all my strength and right hooked him in the throat.

I began attacking him as he screamed in agony trying to defend himself but in his state he was vulnerable.

Now he knows how those kids felt when he beàt and rapéḏ them.

The door slide open and I felt strong arms physically lift me up and drag me away from him.

He was breathing heavily and the blood pressure machine began beeping rapidly. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he began clutching his chest and went limp.

"What on earth happened here?!" My supervisor demanded angrily.

But I was in too much state of anger to answer my fists were clenched tightly by my side. I felt like punching someone.

"His coding." A nurse had stated checking his pulse.

"You know what forget it, SOMEONE PAGE DR MAINE ASAP AND GET THE PADDLES READY." Lorenzo turned back to me with a stern look. The nurses rushed towards his body.

"And you Missy, you're not off the hook get out of here and go wash your hands. Now."

I sent him a sour look but said nothing and turned on my heel and stormed off not caring if that man died or not.


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