Chapter eleven

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Klay Thompson
4 months later

"Klay so what's up with you Amayae?" Wiseman asked making me pause and look up at with most nastiest mug I could muster.

"Nothing. Why are you in grown folks business. ''I tell him off and he raises his hands.'' Matter of fact who told you, because I don't recall having a conversation with you Wiseman.'' I added on making him stare gobsmacked at me.

"Klay chill, I'm just asking—"

"Yeah well don't Wiseman."

"Aye easy Klay." Gary jumped in defending James making me sigh." Sorry wiseman, it's just we haven't spoken in a minute."

"Yeah and who's fault is that?" Juan comes over with a plate of cake in his hands.

"Mine. I'm so stupid." I sighed putting my hands on my head.

"That you are." Wiggins noted.

"Very much a idiot."

"You're a coward."

If you're wondering what happened let's just say the boys and I won against the Orlando magic. So we partied and I will admit I let my liquor get to the best of me as usual.

And let's just say things got out of hand and I slept with this woman...

It was a horrendous mistake no I'm not gonna name names.

But I wished it never happened because now Amayae is completely ghosting me. Keep in mind this happened like 2 months ago.

It's now June

So yeah. And now I haven't even able to get in contact with her.

"Alright even though Klay is a complete loser for fumbling someone that phenomenal." Gary acknowledged." Instead of lifting him down we should be lifting him up. He's one of the boys."

Immediately cricket noise occurred.

"Amayae is like a sister to us. And for him to do some fuckery like that it's taking everything in my body to not right hook him." Jordan admitted causally, tapping his knee.

"Believe me Poole I wanna do more than punch myself."

"Enough Thompson. I understand that we're all mad and possibly wanna beat Klays ass for what he did to Amayae. But Gary is right.

We gotta do something to fix this problem because we can't have Amayae give up on him yet. He has potential. So are we in or not." Wiggins demands.

The boys all stared at him and me. I've never felt so small in my life.

"I'm in." Moody caved in and he dapped me up, then one by one they all came up. Kuminga, Green,Juan, Wisman. And lastly it was Jordan.

He comes over to me staring me down and he may be younger but his definitely intimidating.

This ain't a young boy. This is a whole grown ass man.

"Look I know I haven't known Amayeshal for the longest. But 3 years is enough to know how much of a sweetheart and how monumental she is.

That girl really really liked you and for you to go and do that dumb shit really pissed me off. Because I was the one that had to hear her cry on the phone to me all night.

Well you were out and about thotting around. So I beg you Klay if you're not ready to be in a stable healthy relationship. Don't put her through this again." Jordan insists with a stern look.

I don't even respond because I genuinely didn't know what to say. I was careless and reckless so I just had to control myself. Temptation could easily get me, it's what I've been working on with my therapist.

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