Frustration and Waves

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*Emily's POV*

Immediately we break away from our kiss and freeze. A cold chill ran up my spine, I'd recognize that voice any day. "What the hell do you want Madison." Jack states. She twirls her fingers through her hair, smiling real big at us. "Oh you know, just having a good time. But wow Jack, didn't know you'd have to downgrade to that." Madison spat, nodding her head in my direction. Jack clenches his jaw and I ball up my fists. "Aw, what's the matter Emily? Can't handle the truth about yourself? I mean look at you. Such a teeny, tiny little body. Just face it, you'll never compare to this." She says motioning to herself. My self confidence goes down a lot, but I don't let it get to me just yet. She's just trying to get in your head, just trying to get you to blow. "That's enough." Jack raises his voice. Madison grins evilly. "Aw, how cute. Big boy Jack, protecting poor, wittle, ugly Emily as usual." Madison snickers doing a pouty face. I can't take it anymore. I clench my fists and start to walk up towards her. "You little son of a-." I take a swing, but Jack grabs my arm and pulls me back. I wiggle my arm free from his grip and make my way up to her again, so he picks me up and drags me away before I could do anything. "Stop Jack, let me go at her!" I yell kicking and squirming. "Em, it's really not worth it. This is what she wants, she wants your reaction." he explains whispering in my ear. He puts me down and I curse under my breath, biting my tongue to not say anything. "Ha, ha, ha. How funny! Once again, Emily loosing. Honestly Emily, can you ever win?" Madison cocks her head to the side. I open my mouth, but before I could say anything, Jack says something first. "Emily's the one who looses? Wow, that's interesting. If I remember correctly, wasn't I the one who broke up with you?" Jack answers coldly. Madison looks dumbfounded, and doesn't say anything. All she could do is scowl. "Whatever. I'll get you back one day Emily. And I promise you that." Madison says. She flips her hair over her shoulder and glares at me one last time, then walks away with her hips swaying side to side. Once she's out of sight, I yell in frustration. "UGH! I can't stand her Jack! I can't stand her! I hate her so much, so so much, I can't even take it!" I sit on the ground, curling my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. Jack sighs and takes a seat next to me, putting his arms around me. "I know Em. I know." I rest my head on his shoulder, sitting there listening to the waves. "You know I'm going to get her back one day, right." I say. He kisses the crown of my head and nods. "Yeah, I know. That's just how you are. You never back down. You're determined, feisty, and you're super hot while you're doing it." he replies. I crack a smile and cuddle up next to him. "Thank you, for what you did back there. You didn't have to defend me like that." I tell him. Jack takes my hand, and kisses it lightly. "That's just what I do for the people I love."

What's up y'all, I hope you liked this! Soon I'll be starting a new fanfiction, and I hope it's gonna be good... Let me know how you liked this, and make sure to vote or comment below!

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