Facing Reality

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*Emily's POV*

I run to a corner of the mansion where I hide in the shadows, hopefully unseen. There's too many people, too much noise, I just need some space. For a moment I just stand there and replay what just happened in my mind over and over again, then I fall to my knees and cry. Why? I don't even know. Mainly I think it's because after all this time of Madison torturing me, I've finally had enough. Jack doesn't even know what she does, and I haven't bothered telling him. He's in love, I wouldn't ever ruin that for him. Well, at least I think he is. I just don't get it, why her? Why a girl like her? He could've chosen anyone, anyone! Even me... But we're just friends. And nothing more than that. "I figured you'd be over here." a familiar voice says. For a second I jump at the unseen person, but I look up and see Jack standing in front of me, still damp from the pool incident. I wipe my eyes and hope that he doesn't see the tears on my face. "How'd you find me?" I ask. "Emily, I've known you since kindergarten. Whenever you don't know what to do, you find a quiet corner and stay in it. But I saw you walk off... are you okay?" Jack chuckles but then asks me. Phew, thank God he can't see the tear stains on my face. I sniffle then sit up straight. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. I just didn't wanna get in your guys way. I needed some space with all the commotion." I reply blowing it off like no big deal. Jack smiles and sighs from relief. "Oh God good, I thought you were angry. It almost looked like- like you were crying..." Jack said raising and eyebrow laughing. I laughed with him nervously and waved my hand. "Nah. You know me, I wouldn't cry over not having a swimsuit." I reply. Jack nods his head agreeing, and we both stay there in silence for awhile. "Well brownie eyes, I'm glad you're okay. I'm gonna head back to the party." he says helping me up.  As he begins to walk away, I call out his name. "Jack!" He turns around raising and eyebrow. "Yeah Em?" I take a deep breath. "Do you really like Madison?" I ask. He hesitates for a moment, clearly confused. "Yeah, I do." he says. I nod my head and smile at him. "Well you go have fun. I'm gonna get something to drink." He gives me a thumbs up, then goes back out into the crowd of people. After he's out of sight, my fake grin turns into a frown. As he walks off, I feel sad inside. Wait, not sad. Jealous. Why the hell am I feeling this? I've never been left feeling this way, but I'm sad to see him go back to Madison. I don't want him to go back with her. I don't want him to go back, and hang out with someone that isn't good for him. I don't want him to go, I want him to stay with me.. But then I notice the jealousy is now turning into not anger, but heartache. Why is this happening? And then I realize something. "Oh God.." I whisper to my self. "I'm in love with my best friend."

WHOA THERE, BETCHA DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING DID YA? lol anyways i'm freaking out because already 27 people have read this! thank you soso much, I love each and every one of you <3

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