Chapter 8: Dark Mage Elysia

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Elysia pulled out her spell book as she looked at Leo, Raolet, and Autumn.

"Let's so how your power compares to mine."

Leo pulled out his swords, but Raolet stopped him, telling Leo to let him go first.

"You sure? Can you handle her?"

Raolet looked back and smiled.

"I'm sure. Just sit back and watch."

Raolet summoned his lance as Elysia opened her spell book. Elysia started attacking by sending balls of fire toward Raolet, who blocked the attacks with his lance. Raolet jumped into the air and lunged toward Elysia, who dodged his attack by jumping back. Elysia created a large glyph above her that sent a barrage of icicles toward Raolet. Raolet created a barrier around himself, protecting himself from Elysia's attack.

Elysia stopped her attack and rushed toward Raolet, creating an energy blade on her right hand. She swung the energy blade at him, but Raolet dodged the strike. Raolet thrusted his lance forward, but Elysia countered the attacks and landed multiple strikes on Raolet's armor. Raolet jumped back, examining his armor.

"Only a few scratches, but otherwise, still good."

Raolet looked at Elysia and pulled his lance back as electricity swirled around it, ready to fire a beam of electricity toward her.

"Electric Blast Thrust!"

Raolet fired his attack, but Elysia nullified the energy beam with her hand. She immediately vanished and appeared in front of Raolet, placing an energy sphere near his stomach.


Elysia surrounded Raolet in a sphere of electricity, trapping him inside. Elysia smiled, expecting Raolet to scream in pain, but noticed he was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because electric attacks don't work on me!"

Raolet swung his lance, absorbing Elysia's barrier into the weapon, and thrusted it forward, slashing Elysia's cheek as she moved her head. Raolet continued attacking, slashing Elysia with his lance. Elysia sent Raolet flying back with a burst of wind and used the time to heal her wounds.

Elysia flew toward Raolet, firing energy blasts from her left hand as she created an energy blade on the right. Raolet dodged the energy blasts and thrusted his lance forward, hitting Elysia's energy blade. Raolet turned around as Elysia landed behind him, ready to attack. Raolet immediately thrusted his lance, but Elysia dodged it and hit Raolet in the face with a backhand swing before setting off an explosion that sent him flying back into a wall.

Elysia appeared in front of Raolet and tried to stab his head with an energy blade as he got up, but he dodged the attack, landing a punch to her face. Then, Raolet fired energy blasts from his hand, pushing Elysia back as she became overwhelmed.

"I should be stronger than him! How are we evenly matched in power!?"

Elysia jumped back, flipping through the pages of her spell book before stopping on a page and citing an incantation as she traced her finger in the air.

"Be pierced sharp pieces of light from the heavens that shall strike your body, leaving you in anguish and in pain! Piercing Needle Light Storm!"

Elysia sent a streak of white-colored energy that broke into sharp, glass-like needles toward Raolet. The attack hit Raolet, piercing his body as he screamed in pain. Raolet fell to his knees as Elysia walked toward him, creating an energy sword. Raolet looked at Elysia and yelled, telling her to step back as an electrical current emerged from his body. The current hit Elysia, stunning her. Raolet lunged toward her, landing a punch that sent her crashing into a wall.

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