Chapter 18: White Tiger

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Leo, Shenhuo, and Raolet walk around the Castal Kingdom's jungle, examining the footprints left by the White Tiger of the West and the destruction it caused within the forest. Shenhuo stood up, looking at the Castal troops.

"Based on the tracks, we seem to be getting close. Be on your guard."

They continued walking and saw a tree fall. Everyone looked up, seeing the 6,750-foot-tall White Tiger of the West staring at them with a piercing gaze. It let out a roar that shook the Castal Kingdom, causing trees and the ground to fall apart. The beast opened its mouth, firing a beam of electricity toward the earth as Shenhuo created a barrier around everyone.

Shenhuo lowered her barrier and looked around, seeing nothing but a barren wasteland that spanned 120 km. Shenhuo smiled and looked at the tiger.

"Creating an open area for us to fight without any obstructions? Noelle said you were smart, but I never expected this."

A group of Castal knights walked forward with a multitude of large cannons, aiming them at the white tiger. With Raolet's command, the knights unleashed a heap of red hot cannonballs at the white tiger, dealing some damage.

The white tiger raised its paw and slammed the ground, sending steel spikes toward the group. Shenhuo unleashed a burst of fire that instantly melted the steel spikes and charged at the white tiger, flying toward its face and landing a punch that forced it to stumble back.

Shenhuo continued to attack the white tiger as Leo and Raolet watched. Raolet summoned his spear and looked at Leo.

"C'mon Leo, let's go and help her!"

Leo nodded and ran toward the white tiger alongside Raolet. Raolet fired a barrage of electric energy blasts toward the white tiger, hitting its face. The white tiger fired an energy beam from its mouth, but Leo absorbed it into his katanas and fired it back with twice the power.

The white tiger surrounded its body in an aura, negating Leo's attack. Raolet surrounded his spear in an electric current and fired an electric beam toward the tiger, but the attack barely fazed it.

"It looks like my electric attacks aren't working."

Shenhuo looked at Raolet as Leo continued fighting.

"The white tiger's weak to fire-based attacks and is resistant to attacks that involve electricity. So I don't think you'll be much help in this fight. Go and check and see if they're any injured knights."

Raolet nodded and left the field to check on the Castal knights. Shenhuo ran toward Leo's side and blocked an attack from the white tiger.

"Hey Leo, need some help?"

Shenhuo tossed the beast onto its back and grabbed its tail. She tossed the white tiger into the air and fired a massive energy blast of fire that enveloped the beast. The white tiger fell to the ground, stood up, and let out a roar that increased the gravity around the area. Shenhuo and Leo were unaffected by the increase in gravity.

Leo looked at the knights and Raolet.

"Knights and Raolet are down. What do we do now?"

He looked back at Shenhuo and saw she looked nervous.

"Shenhuo? What's wrong?"

Shenhuo looked at the white tiger, sweat dripping from her face.

"I forgot about the White Tiger of the West's special ability."

Leo looked confused.

"What's the ability?"

"The ability to grow stronger through combat. The white tiger's power has grown tenfold through this fight alone."

Leo chuckled and looked at the white tiger.

"Well, at least it makes this more interesting."

Leo surrounded his body in an aura and transformed into his Cerberus Full power Unleashed form, shocking Shenhuo as the sheer power from Leo reverted the gravity to normal, allowing Raolet and the knights to stand back up.

"What is that?!"

"My Cerberus Full power Unleashed form. It increases my power seventy-five times. Should be enough to match the tiger's power."

Shenhuo nodded, and they charged at the White Tiger of the West as the beast spewed molten aluminum from its mouth. Shenhuo and Leo dodged the molten aluminum, landing a plethora of attacks on the beast.

Leo fired a barrage of energy blasts that homed on one of the white tiger's eyes, making it reel back in pain. Shenhuo jumped high into the air and landed an uppercut to the beast's jaw, allowing Leo to follow up with a powerful energy blast that pushed it onto its back.

The White Tiger of the West stood up, letting out a roar that paralyzed the knights, Raolet, and Shenhuo. Leo continued running, unaffected by the tiger's roar, and jumped into the air, slashing the beast's left leg.

The White Tiger of the West let out a roar of pain and slammed the ground, sending steel spikes toward Leo. An energy beam made from fire melted the steel before it could reach Leo. Leo turned to see Shenhuo and Raolet running toward him.

"Leo, Raolet, I think it's about time we end this."

Leo and Raolet nodded, and the three ran toward the white tiger, with the Castal knight providing backup with their cannons. Leo and Raolet stabbed the white tiger's foot, making it launch them into the air as they landed on its back. Leo and Raolet land a flurry of attacks on the white tigers back, making it screech in pain.

The White Tiger of the West unleashed a burst of aura, sending Leo and Raolet into the air. Shenhuo used her teleportation skill to bring Leo and Raolet to the ground. The white tiger opened its mouth, gathering energy for a powerful attack.

"Alright, I need you to combine your power with me for one final assault."

Leo and Raolet nodded and began to gather energy. Raolet gathered energy into his spear as Leo reeled his arms back and activated his limit break form. The White Tiger of the West fired its attack as Leo, Raolet, and Shenhuo did the same, the attacks clashing with one another.

Leo, Raolet, and Shenhuo increased their power and won the beam clash, hitting the White Tiger of the West in the face and knocking the beast down. The White Tiger of the West body turned to dust and combined to take the form of a small tiger cub.

Shenhuo picked up the cub and smiled, knowing the battle was won.

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