Chapter 13: Leo's Anger

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Leo charged at me and jumped into the air, creating clones of himself. I smiled and thrusted my hand forward, creating a shockwave that destroyed the clones. Leo landed behind me and swung his katanas, but I blocked them with my right arm. I pushed Leo back and threw a punch, but Leo created an afterimage to dodge the attack. I smiled as Leo appeared behind me.


Leo swung his katanas at me, but I blocked the attack.

"You'll have to do better than that, Leo!"

Leo smiled as the ground began to crack beneath us, and some clones emerged. I tried flying into the air, but one of the clones grabbed my tail, dragging me back toward the ground. Leo jumped across the clones and into the air, lunging toward me. His katanas clashed against my raised arms, the impact sending us sliding across the ground. Leo jumped off me and fired an energy blast that sent me hurling into a rock.

I looked at Leo and charged at him as he created a clone. I threw a punch, but Leo and the clone teleported away. Leo appeared behind me, landing a kick to my back as the clone appeared in front of me and sent me slightly into the air. The clone landed a few blows and then sent me back toward the ground, allowing Leo to land his Cerberus Bash skill on me.

The impact of Leo's attack sent me flying away, but I managed to recover and landed on the ground. I flew high into the air, reeled my arms back, and sent a barrage of energy blasts toward Leo. Leo saw the attacks coming and created a barrier around himself.

I fabricated two clones and sent them toward Leo, with one of the clones attacking from the left and the other from the right. I stopped my energy blasts and fired an energy beam toward Leo's barrier alongside my clones, creating cracks alongside the energy barrier.

"Damn it! Can't hold it for much longer!"

Leo used all his might to hold the barrier up, but the energy beams eventually broke through and collided, generating a massive explosion. I flew toward the ground, examined the smoke, and smiled, thinking I killed Leo, when the smoke suddenly cleared, revealing Leo in his Full Power Cerberus Unleashed form.

Leo clenched his fist and lunged toward me at a blinding speed, landing a punch to my stomach. Leo then landed an uppercut to my jaw, launching me into the air. Leo teleported above me and held his hand in front of him, firing an energy blast as I turned around and did the same. Leo's and my energy blast collided, creating an explosion that launched us back. I crashed onto the ground, and once I stood up, Leo teleported in front of me, landing a knee strike to my stomach. I stood up again, only to get punched in the face twice by Leo.

As Leo tried to punch me again, I surrounded my body in an aura and blocked the attack with the palm of my hand. I clenched my hand and pulled Leo toward me.

"I'm going to make you regret facing me!"

I landed a headbutt and punched Leo away. I surrounded my body in an aura, letting out a scream as I increased my power.

"Thanks to my ability, my power keeps shooting higher and higher! Who knows how far I'll go!"

I charged at Leo and threw a punch, hitting him square in the face. I sent Leo flying back and chased after him, landing a barrage of blows. I punched Leo into the air and fired an energy beam, but Leo dodged the attack by teleporting.

I looked behind me, seeing a massive energy beam heading toward me. I held my hand out and nullified the attack, but Leo teleported behind me.

"Got you!"

Leo knocked me to the ground with an overhead axe and fired a barrage of energy blasts toward me. As I stood up, the energy blasts struck me, sending dust into the air. Leo teleported back to the ground, looking at the smoke.

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