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Holy shit, racism towards hybrids.
Racism is not cool guys, stop it 😩🌮

Mpreg (don't even be shocked)
Mention of death
Major Character Deaths (L)

Sadly, Schlatt is not a hybrid :(
But Fundy is :D

"Can I go?!"

He remembered those smiles, the smiles they gave him when he asked them that specific question "when you're old enough, okay?" The way he ruffled his hair playfully, he remembers it all "but I wanna! Why does Puffy get to go but not me!" His mom and dad laughed "because she's old enough."

It was always the same thing, he had to wait;

"But I promise you will come with us one day okay? Just listen to your brother and we'll be back." His mom kissed him on the nose and his dad kissed him on the head "we love you, and don't break anything, please." Giggling at their request "okay! Bye bye!!"

He watched them leave the house with Puffy, off to hunt again.

…That was the last time he ever got to speak to them.

From what he learnt, hybrids attacked them, killing them out in the forest but his sister made it back to the village alive and clearly traumatised. Schlatt was grateful he didn't go that day, yet again, he wishes he could've spent more time with them.

Shit went down hill quick for the three, but eventually they were once again back on their feet.

Thanks to his brother and sister of course.

Fast forward a couple of years and from a small young boy, Schlatt grew into a man, now twenty three year old walking through the forest alone on a winter day.

Snow crunched under his heavy wearing a large cape with a hoodie over his head, with a bow in hand. Today was his turn to hunt, and he was going to prove his siblings wrong that he could bring a huge meal back home. Every breath that escaped his mouth steamed out in front of him. This month of the year tends to get the coldest, but eventually spring will come around, not now, but eventually.

Walking and listening as closely as possible he stops dead in his tracks, carefully looking around at his surroundings.

Then there it was.

Through the heavy bushes, and dead leaves and branches…a deer.

And holy shit was it a huge one too.

The man walks as quietly as possible behind the bush, kneeling down slowly, watching it just eat the grass that has yet been covered up. Schlatt reaches behind himself and pulls out an arrow from the small bag he carried across his chest, glancing down at his arrow and back up at the large deer.

It was definitely a leader of the group for sure.

Schlatt then raises the arrow from behind the bush and pulls back as far as possible, shutting one eye, breathing in and out slowly, staring right into the deer soul;

"…Come to papa…"

As he was about to let go, he stopped himself, seeing about four other deer walk up from out of nowhere standing behind the larger deer, another male, two females and a smaller one, a doe. That must've been the rest of the group. He watched the big deer turn its head and tap noses with the deer beside the doe, was it its mate?

He just sits there and watches them, nuzzling and just standing there like the stupid deer they are.

It was a nice moment.

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