Chapter 32

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"Why is it that you do not care about me, but when I intend to come with you, you fear my safety?" Your eyes linger on Björn as he has a look around to see Floki, Harald, Rollo and Hvitserk glance at him.

His face close to yours, Björn stares into your eyes. "Because you became my liability when you stepped onto this ship, so now I have to make sure you will return home"

With a disgruntled pout, you step back and wave for him to leave, but just as he steps over the railing, you hold onto his arm. "Then at least tell your men I am in charge while you are gone. I do not want them to get ideas"

Giggling, Floki steps closer. "She is right, and if she is anything like you, Siggy can command them"

"Fine" Björn mutters, turns to the many boats that float on the water behind the leading boat and yells out that you will be in charge until his return.

A murmur fills the boats, but the men accept the orders of their leader and thus you all watch as they leave for the docks and hurry up the street towards the high walls from behind which loud music sounds.

With Björn, Hvit and Floki gone, you order the men to row farther off the port and out of sight, along a canal from where you can spot another way into the city beyond the high walls.

The entire fleet of ships following your command, you wait until the last ship has past the walls and command them to hold.

"Is it wise to listen to the girl?"

"Björn has put her in charge"

More murmurs arise and you spin around, the sword to the throat of one of the men. "If you intend to question my judgement, I suggest you have a look" The tip of the blade pointed past the walls, the men watch as another boat full of traders sets to sea at the port and does not notice you as you are in the shadows of the walls and the hills around.

Gesturing the other boats to keep quiet, you watch as more boats leave the harbour and soon after the sound of clashing metal reaches your ears. Björn must have reached the market square or the most inner part of the city.

Soon after more ships come into sight, filled with armed men that all prepare for battle as the sound of terror and war rises from the city.

Hidden from sight, you command some of the ships to travel back to the port and take over the strangers that are about to arrive and attack Björn from another side. And while those ships travel to cut off the enemy, you command three more ships to dock at the second port and cut off any enemy that makes it past the ships.

Standing on the prow, you watch the battle ensue and order your men to remain calm as you spot more ships from another direction, headed your way towards the canal.

Just as you jump down onto the boat, a number of arrows shoot through the air and rip a man to the ground. "Shield wall" you yell out and hold up your own shield to cover the man on the ground.

From all the blood gushing from his wound you see no way for him to survive. Instead you hand the shield to another man and order the archers to strike back. Together, you shoot down the men on the opponent boat as they pass by and when the time is right, you oder one of the remaining boats to cut off their path and attack as you distract them.

Unaware of the storm that brews on the open sea, Björn and his men fight their way through the city, joined by those you have sent out to cover their sides.

Continue with Chapter 33

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