Chapter 38

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Two entire days pass before the news spread of an old man and a crippled boy at the gates.

Since King Ecbert has left for important business, and Æthelwulf was left in charge, you are not allowed to see them, and while Ragnar is locked in a cage, Ivar finds himself in a cold, dark cell.

On the third day, your body has mostly recovered from the storm, you talk to Alfred, you in old Norse and he in old English, trying to make the best of it. He brings you with him to breakfast and shows you the monastery, excited to see you're interested in him and his home.

Æthelred, who tries to bond with you as well, gets frustrated after not understanding what you want when you ask him to see Ivar. Like his father, he exhales, the mouth scrunched, and avoids you after that.

Another day passes until King Ecbert returns and hears about the arrival of Ragnar at his monastery. Without delay, he has Ragnar brought to his dining hall and is pleased to see Ragnar alive and well. "I heard you brought someone with you"

Curious to see Ragnar and Ivar, you ask Alfred to help you, and he manages to distract the guards just long enough for you to sneak out of your room and into a hallway beside the great hall from where Ragnar's voice rings. Your eye peaking through a slit in the door, you watch as they talk, Ragnar locked into a cage like a bird.

"My son, Ivar" Ragnar tries to take food off the plate outside his cage, but struggles as his fingers have stiffened due to the cold.

Eating more bread, King Ecbert lens back in his chair. "And the girl?"

Ragnar's eyes wander over the table to the King. The warm meat relaxing his fingers as he tears it from bone to eat. "What girl?"

"A Viking girl, she was washed ashore a few days before you"

Drinking from the provided cup, Ragnar smirks at Ecbert. "My daughter, Siggy. Is she alive?"

Your eyebrows furrow at the sound of Ragnar speaking that foreign tongue, and you wish to understand more, but so far you can only make out your own name, and in the moment king Ecbert leans forward, a guard catches you standing outside the door and chases after you as you run around the great hall to another hallway where you hide behind a curtain.


"I want to see them, both"

At the wave of Ecbert's hand, Ivar is brought into the room, and when he sits on the chair at the table, the doors open and you hurry in, the guard on your heels.

"Ivar" you cheer, running across the hall to hug Ivar, who pulls you close to him and does not let go. Still coughing, you kneel before him, his arms around you while your chest aches with every breath you draw. Ringing for air from the chase, your body quivers, the breaths rattling as you struggle to suppress another cough.

Ivar holds your face with his hand, and caresses your cheek. "What has happened to you?"

"See, they are save and sound"

Ragnar demands food for Ivar and you are given a plate as well. But are too weak to eat anything, and after Ragnar knows you are well, Ivar and you are brought into the room you have stayed in the past days.

You both sit on the bed, your eyes on Ivar as he falls onto the soft bedding and closes his eyes. Laying next to him, you fall asleep and only awake after the maid brings you breakfast to the room.

Once again guards stand outside and only Alfred and Ecbert as well as the maid are allowed to enter the room. The maid places the plates on the small table across from your bed and gives you questioning looks upon seeing Ivar's arm around you. Not a word comes over her lips as she leaves the room and locks the door behind her.

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